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Death of Javier Gómez-Navarro, former minister of González and promoter of the conversion of football clubs in South Africa

Javier Gomez-Navarrowho was a minister during the last term of Felipe González, died this Thursday, as EL ESPAÑOL-Invertia learned.

Gómez Navarro (1945), although he was Minister of Commerce and Tourism from 1993 to 1996, left his mark above all as Secretary of State for Sports and President of the Higher Sports Council. He was appointed to these positions in 1987 and He was one of the main people responsible for organizing the Barcelona Olympic Games in 1992..

In addition, he was responsible for preparing the Sports Act of 1989, which converted in public limited companies (SA) football and basketball clubs in Spaingenerating significant changes in the professional sports ecosystem of our country.


Also during his time at the helm of Spanish sport, the National Commission against Violence in Sport and the National Anti-Doping Commission.

He also played a significant and intense role in the business world, especially before entering politics in the late 1980s. He was one of the promoters and co-director of the International Tourism Fair (Fitur). He was also the founder of Entrepreneurs Cluborganization was its first president.


Although he trained as an engineer, his professional career has mainly taken place in the world of tourism. He was Chairman and CEO of Marsans and he led the privatization and restructuring of the company until he left for government in 1987.

After his time in the public sector, he spent a long period as a consultant and advisor to the Ibero-American Development Bank (IDB) and MBD. In 2005, he was appointed President of the Higher Council of Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Spainposition in which he remained until 2010.

He was also president of the Villagers (now divided company) and participated in the boards of directors of Altadis, Securitas, Técnicas Reunidas and Sogecableto name just four of the most important.

He was a member and chairman of the board of directors of the Spanish Geographical Society, as well as the board of directors of the Royal Geographical Society. He was also a patron of the Foundation of Royal Theatre of Madrid.




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