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HomeLatest NewsDebussy, Mozart and Haydn visit the eleven cities of Madrid

Debussy, Mozart and Haydn visit the eleven cities of Madrid

The classics of the most prodigious composers in the history of music will travel for a month to the corners of the eleven historic cities of the region, bringing together works by Haydn, Debussy or Handel to several municipalities of the Community of Madrid. From this Saturday to October 2nd, the sixth edition of the choral cycle A Villa Voz will take place, which on this occasion coincides with the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Orchestra and Choir of the Community of Madrid (Orcam).

Pieces such as “Ave Verum Corpus” by Mozart; “Alleluia” by Frideric Handel; or “They say that in the Pardo, Madrid” by Barberillo de Lavapiés, by Francisco Asenjo Barbieri, are some of the musical milestones of the dozen authors who make up the diverse repertoire of this festival. To these are added Haydn, Mozart, Carlos Guastavino, Alexandru Pascanu, Alexander Scriabin and a selection of zarzuelas with scores by Ruperto Chapí, Federico Moreno Torroba and Federico Chueca.

In addition, A Villa Voz will include the premiere of a composition by the Catalan Albert Ginovart, inspired by popular and traditional melodies from Spain. The Choir will be accompanied, as in the last edition, by the pianist Karina Azizova and will be conducted by the principal teacher of the Choir of the Community of Madrid, Josep Vila i Casaña.

The first part of the program – with Guinovart, Guastavino and Pascanu – is composed of music with popular roots and close to dance, with the intention of representing the international origin of the current members of the choir. After this part, a piano piece by the Russian composer Scriabin will open a segment that will be completed by Debussy, Haydn, Mozart and Handel.

Finally, the prelude to “La Revoltosa” by Chapí will give way to the last block of the concert dedicated to zarzuela, the genre with which the program of this musical cycle will close.

A dozen concerts

Promoted by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports, this cycle, with free admission until capacity is reached, will begin this Saturday in Villarejo de Salvanés, a town of only 8,000 inhabitants in the southeast of the Community of Madrid.

From there, they will move the next day to Manzanares the Real. On September 27th, you can enjoy this show in Patones de Abajo; on the 28th, there will be a double date in Rascafría and Colmenar de la Oreja; and on the 29th, the September concerts will end in San Martín de Valdeiglesias. During the month of October, the Choir of the Community of Madrid will travel to Chinchón on Sunday, the 6th; Nuevo Baztán, on the 13th; and Torrelaguna, on the 19th. Navalcarnero is the Madrid city chosen to close this festival on October 20th.

Many of these municipalities repeat the experience in its recently presented sixth edition and after the success of previous years, consolidating itself as a unique proposal that decentralizes and diversifies culture in Madrid. This festival, as indicated by the Minister of Culture of the Community, Mariano de Paco, represents “a transversal experience”, since it allows “to discover or rediscover the treasures of the musical, monumental and gastronomic heritage” of the region and “to unite it with the promotion of tourism, serving as an incentive to attract visitors to cities with great potential.

And not only that, the cycle of this edition is special because the repertoire chosen to bring classical music closer to all audiences will commemorate the 40th anniversary of ORCAM during all these dates.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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