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“Defend your home, for a Christian and national Europe”

Extreme nationalism and xenophobia, between slogans of rebellion and appeals to the working class characterize the lyrics of the songs of the rock bands that will perform at the fascist festival Galerna Fest in Santander, whose celebration has sparked criticism in recent weeks and calls for cancellation.

The bands announced on the poster, known for their links to far-right ideologies and their apology for fascism, denounced by the association ‘Rock Against Fascism’, follow the usual pattern of these movements of trying to attract followers by taking advantage of social conditions, discontent and poverty to sneak in their ultranationalist and hateful messages.

Some of the lyrics of the songs are a clear example of this: “Sunlight appears again in the city beside a river of blood, it is death that rides in the West walking screaming. Allah Akbar“Defend your home. Against the reign of fear, of identity, for a Christian and national Europe,” exclaims a song by the Catalan group Irreductibles, which does not hesitate to incite violence against “the devil with the Koran under his arm.”

“We will not back down and their threats will not stop us, we will make them understand that they too can cry,” says the song “Defend Your Home”, citing “the heroes” of their nation “Guifré el Pilós, Cervantes, Pelayo or El Cid. “Know that neither candles nor flowers will stop the damn sons of Allah,” he concludes, affirming that “society refuses to firmly face reality.”

A similar discourse is held by the French FTP, who take advantage of the terror of the 2015 attacks to stir up hatred and xenophobia without filters: “They shot at the country that fed them, welcomed into its midst by the traitors to our homeland.” At the same time, in his song “13/11”, the date of the terrorist attacks, he rejects the response that was given to them represented in the “fine speeches of peace that follow the horror”, and once again displays racism by ironically emphasizing that the attacks were “a very unfortunate coincidence” and that “we must not sink into detestable racism”.

This group also uses irony to show their clearly xenophobic and racist positions in “Ethnic Bands”, a song in which they attempt to characterize black people as violent by using a narrative in which they adopt the perspective of a group that acts violently against white people. “We are perceived as victims of discrimination, but we are racist in our aggression. We do not touch Turks, blacks, or Afghans; no, the only game is that of white people”, goes the chorus.

“It is more credible that two or three subhumans take to the streets, the neighborhoods, the cities to hunt down the hated white man,” says this ultra group in its song translated into Spanish, using satire to assert that they are victims for society: “We are considered victims of discrimination, but we are racist in aggression.” “Finally a victim to extort! Why is there so much hatred in our ranks? “It’s because the enemy is white!” the song continues.

Finally, the group incites violence with a provocative message, suggesting that black people retreat in the face of “fafs” – a reference to fascists or the far right. “But sometimes we are less proud, and we lower our insolent gazes, when we meet fafs, my mother’s life disappears, that’s when we run faster than white people,” the song concludes.

Municipal authorization

These are some examples of the words that will be heard at the event organized by the far-right organization Alfonso I at the end of September. The “Rock Against Fascism” requested its cancellation, but the mayor of Santander, Gema Igual (PP), rejected it – at the request of the socialist opposition – because it was “interventionist” and was held in a private place.

The groups, as detailed by the anti-fascist association, are part of currents such as RIF (French Identity Rock), which promotes extreme nationalism and xenophobia; NSHC (National Socialist Hardcore), which spreads the ideology of National Socialism from Italy, glorifying racism and white supremacy; CasaPound, also an Italian far-right fascist movement known for its involvement in acts of violence; or RAC (Rock Against Communism), an openly neo-Nazi movement whose lyrics incite hatred and violence.

Belonging to these movements and examples of hate-filled lyrics are the argument used by those in favor of canceling the festival, taking advantage of article 6b of the Cantabrian Entertainment Law, which states the following: Those who “incite” or promote violence, racism, xenophobia or any other discrimination or harm human dignity or violate the fundamental rights of people are prohibited.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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