Home Top Stories Delibes’ “posthumous tribute” to his “better half”

Delibes’ “posthumous tribute” to his “better half”

Delibes’ “posthumous tribute” to his “better half”

Photographs, correspondence, manuscripts and personal objects are part of an exhibition which commemorates in Valladolid the 50th anniversary of the death of Angeles de Castro, “inseparable companion” of the writer

The mayor of Valladolid, Jesús Julio Carnero, and Germán Delibes, son of the writer and president of the Delibes Foundation, accompanied by one of the photographs visible in the exhibition EFE


Updated at 3:02 p.m.

“I come here to publicly pay homage to the memory of the man who was my inseparable companion for almost 30 years,” underlined Miguel Delibes when he entered the Royal Spanish Academy in 1975 in recognition of the “fundamental contribution” of his wife, …

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