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HomeBreaking News“Democracy is dying”: Washington Post calls for Georgia to be thrown a...

“Democracy is dying”: Washington Post calls for Georgia to be thrown a lifeline

“Last call for democracy” was the headline of an editorial in the Washington Post on the situation in Georgia. The publication believes that “the United States must throw a lifeline” to where “democracy is dying.”

The ruling Georgian Dream is described as an “authoritarian and pro-Russian” force in an American publication.

“Without free competition between political groups, there can be no democracy. That is why the latest reports from Georgia are alarming. The ruling authoritarian and pro-Russian Georgian Dream party is threatening to ban all opposition parties if it wins a majority in parliamentary elections on October 26. This could be the last call for democracy in Georgia. The United States can do more to save it. The United States must use the time before the election to protect free and fair voting, a fair vote count, and respect for the results. Georgian citizens need to hear from the president. Joe Biden and to Congress that the United States will not tolerate a one-party state in Georgia. If the United States remains indifferent, democracy could perish in another politically promising corner of the post-Soviet world.” – the publication calls.

He also notes that “Georgia is particularly important among the former Soviet republics” because “its population remains committed to a democratic future and ties to Europe, despite the Georgian Dream’s ties to Russia.”

As reported EADailyFounder of Georgian Dream Bidzins Ivanishvili He said that after the elections the party will begin to liquidate the United National Movement party of the former president. Mikhail Saakashvili.

“The elections of October 26 should become the Nuremberg trials of the National Movement” – Ivanishvili announced.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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