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HomeLatest NewsDenia Socialist City Council ordered to pay 7,000 euros for seven years...

Denia Socialist City Council ordered to pay 7,000 euros for seven years of arrears to a civil servant

He The city hall of Denia (Alicante) was sentenced by the High Court of Justice of the Valencian Community (TSJCV) to pay a municipal official seven years of arrears of a salary bonus that had been withdrawn from her, 7,000 euros in total, as reported by the Civil Servants’ Union (SEP).

The Contentious-Administrative Chamber that handled this case forces the socialist municipal government team of Mayor Josep Ripoll to recognize a complement higher destination and the payment of income that he has stopped receiving since 2017 until today.

The worker performed functions higher than her post on appointment by the Administration itself for seven yearsbetween 2010 and 2017, for which he received two additional levels of destination supplement.

However, at the end of his appointment in 2017, it was decided to reduce this workforce, but the SEP already indicated in 2019 that the entire workforce jurisprudence of the Supreme indicated that destination supplements collected for more than two years must be consolidated.

This measure was adopted while the municipality was also governed by PSPV-PSOEat that time, the mayor Vicent Grimalt.

“The city council has made deaf ears to this doctrine and reduced the worker’s salary. Now, after a long legal process in the first instance and then before the Superior Court of Justice, the council will have to face disputes, which will amount to approximately 7,000 euros. further THE social contributions correspondent,” they detailed to the union.

“For the SEP, the worst thing is that the City Hall consolidates this supplement in some cases, while in others it withdraws it, generating situations of inequality, even within the same department,” he denounced.

To remedy this, he will ask that it be applied to all civil servants who find themselves in the same situation, to avoid the granting of this right also being used as a “price» when granted, or as «punishment” when denied, and are generated like this “grievances useless.”

The TSJ ruling itself indicates that the municipal council contributes to creating situations of a certain “confusion” during the appointment interim of staff already career civil servants, according to the SEP.

“Despite this, their actions do not prevent the application of the recently ratified jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of consolidation of higher grades even for temporary staff,” they say.

Although the sentence is technically subject to appeal to the Supreme Court, the civil servants’ union predicts that “its resource cassation results not very viable “In addition to being costly, given that the TSJ resolution is based on a 2023 ruling by the Supreme Court itself.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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