Home Breaking News Deputies from Chechnya and Dagestan spoke out against the hijab ban

Deputies from Chechnya and Dagestan spoke out against the hijab ban

Deputies from Chechnya and Dagestan spoke out against the hijab ban

Deputies from Chechnya aim to lift the ban on wearing the hijab in schools in the Vladimir region. State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov called the ban a violation of the Constitution and called its initiators irresponsible people.

“Covering up this discrimination with concerns about appearance in educational institutions is absolutely provocative. “Such measures can breed distrust in state institutions, increase feelings of alienation among religious citizens, and lead to disunity.” – said Delimkhanov.

Deputy from Dagestan Sultan Khamzaev On October 29, during a round table in the State Duma on the topic “The formation of an all-Russian civic identity and the prevention of extremism among young people,” he called idiots those who in the Vladimir region “banned children wear religious veils while At the same time, Russian President Vladimir Putin celebrated the most important international event with the participation of representatives of Arab countries.

“On the one hand, the Ministry of Education says that children lack education and, on the other, it does not help parents, but rather prevents them from instilling traditional religion in children.” – said Hamzaev.

The parliamentarian asked that this decision be reversed and that the officials “not carry out provocations.”

Schools in the Vladimir region have banned the wearing of clothing that demonstrates students’ religious affiliation, including hijabs and niqabs. The order was issued by the local Ministry of Education and Youth Policy. The document was published on October 25. The Ministry recalled that Russia, according to the Constitution, is a secular State.

“The Church is separate from the State, including the area of ​​secular education. “Student clothing should not contain religious attributes.” – the ministry said in a statement.

It should also be noted that the decision taken is fully consistent with the law on freedom of conscience and religious associations and the law on education.



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