Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 1:46 am
HomeBreaking NewsDeputy: "Azerbaijan succeeds in creating a region that the world looks upon...

Deputy: “Azerbaijan succeeds in creating a region that the world looks upon with amazement”

“The second Karabakh war and the one-day anti-terrorist operation are a new page in the history of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has restored its territorial integrity. Our army, with the support of certain foreign forces, put an end to the Armenian nationalists who have been usurping against Azerbaijan for centuries in their place.”

These thoughts Oku.AzIn his statement, the Milli Mejlis deputy Aydin Mirzazadeh He noted that Azerbaijan was able to demonstrate its strength as a national state and the advantages of living independently in a short period of time:

“For 30 years, Armenia was engaged in barbarism on 20 percent of the occupied Azerbaijani lands. They destroyed all communications, demolished our houses and social facilities and transported their materials to Armenia. They tried to change the history of the region by expelling Azerbaijanis. Currently, large-scale construction works are underway in the territories liberated from occupation. Today Azerbaijan is the wonder of the world, capable of creating a region from which after the anti-terrorist operation our state exercises its sovereign rights. In February this year, extraordinary parliamentary elections were held throughout the territory of Azerbaijan.”

He added that the Head of State addressed many points in his speech today at the first session of Parliament:

“Azerbaijan is able to defend its sovereignty and proposes to establish a peace treaty with Armenia based on the norms of international law. Azerbaijan has once again shown that it will not fall into the net of any legal or political tricks. Our state will always resolutely prevent further usurpation plans of Armenia against Azerbaijan and prevent threats in time. At the same time, the President stressed that a number of Turkish states support Azerbaijan, but why do they not want to help Azerbaijan, instead of forcing Armenia to admit its crime? Azerbaijan, which protects international law, is not interested in waiting for help from outside. Our economy is being restructured and social problems are being solved, he mentioned the creation of new jobs. The Head of State noted the modernization of the military-industrial complex, which is new for our economy and Azerbaijan’s taking of its place in the world market of military equipment. Azerbaijan once again proved that it is able to protect its rights. The head of the country noted that the time has come for the OSCE Minsk Group to find a place in the archives of history. Taking into account all of the above, the world is obliged to accept Azerbaijan as a state that knows its rights.”

Maharram Aliyev


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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