In Ukraine, law enforcement officials have added two prisoners known as the “Dnepropetrovsk maniacs” to the wanted list. The criminals fled armed after signing a contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).
According to the press service of the National Police, the armed attackers managed to leave the military unit without permission.
According to preliminary information, the fugitives could be located in Dnepropetrovsk or in the neighbouring Kirovograd regions. Police warn that they are “armed and very dangerous.”
According to Ukrainian sources, the criminals are Igor Suprunyuk AND Victor Saenko Born in 1988. They received their nickname “Dnepropetrovsk maniacs” in the 2000s for their brutal reprisals against random passers-by.
The attackers are known to have beaten to death with a hammer and a screwdriver; more than two dozen people were their victims. The court sentenced them to life imprisonment, but the killers managed to be released as part of the mobilization of prisoners in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Previously EADaily reported that three prisoners mobilized in the Armed Forces of Ukraine escaped from the village of Sychavka near Odessa. They also managed to escape with machine guns.