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Doctors, nurses and physiotherapists will mobilize to recover the additional payments eliminated by Zapatero

Doctors, nurses and physiotherapists will mobilize For to recover the reduction of the additional salary in 2010 by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. The National Confederation of Medical Unions (CESM) and the Nurses’ Union (SATSE) announced that they would promote mobilizations and all kinds of pressure actions, without excluding the striketo put an end to the “dispossession” they have suffered for 14 years when their extraordinary payments were eliminated.

As detailed, it is more than 377 million euros that they lose every year “because of governments and political parties that are complicit in a theft that has been going on for 14 years.”

The Secretary General of CESM, Victor Pedreraand the president of SATSE, Laura Villasenorexplained the harmful consequences of a drop in wages on the pockets of doctors, nurses and physiotherapists “unjustified and discriminatory” which contravenes the provisions of the Framework Regulations and the Organic Regulations of the Civil Service.

SATSE and CESM have already contacted the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezand the Minister of Finance, Maria Jesus Monteroand they plan to meet with all parliamentary groups. If no progress is seen in resolving the problem, the two trade union organisations They will take to the streets and promote different mobilization actions. under the motto Enough of the pay cuts.

The two trade union organisations demand that the government General State Budgets for 2025 The provisions of the applicable legislation (Framework status of statutory staff and Organic status of public agents) are strictly respected and all public health doctors, nurses and physiotherapists once again receive the full amount of the two additional allowances.

The president of SATSE said that it is absolutely unjustifiable that a reduction made 14 years ago due to the crisis situation continues to be maintained while the country’s economic reality is gradually improving and the latest forecasts of the Bank of Spain predict growth of 2.8%. “You now have the opportunity to reverse this absurdity and scam that constitutes “A disgrace for a government that defines itself as progressive.”he added.

For his part, Pedrera stressed that “If the Administration wants to take care of its professionals, it must start with the essentials, that is to say, not mistreating them”Because “this is what we have been suffering since 2010, and even more so since 2014, when the crisis was considered over.”

He discusses the changes needed to refute the repeated mantra that there is a shortage of professionals, a claim he says needs to be qualified, because “What is missing are certain professionals in certain positions and in certain situations, such as primary or rural careand “they are lacking because doctors and nurses feel mistreated by the Administration, which, in 14 years, has not considered improving their working conditions,” he explained.

Likewise, Villaseñor valued the work of those health professionals who “keep afloat every day a health system that leaks everywhere due to years of budget cuts that are the excuse to justify salaries that do not correspond to them according to their training, skills, capacity and responsibility.

As the two union leaders explain, this pay cut means that In 2024, each doctor will lose on average around 1,200 euros and nurses and physiotherapists 700 euros..

Specifically, in 2024, doctors will suffer a reduction of 38.29% in the amount of their basic salary and the three-year period of additional salary. This represents a loss, in each of the additional payments, of 508.08 euros of basic salary and 19.54 euros for each of the three-year periods that the professional has consolidated.

For their part, nurses and physiotherapists benefit from a reduction of 27.07%, which means that they lose a total of 310.57 euros in basic salary and 11.28 euros per consolidated period of three years for each additional salary. “For 14 years, they worked six months for free,” explained Villaseñor.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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