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HomeBreaking NewsDoes alcohol relieve stress? -

Does alcohol relieve stress? –

When faced with a difficult situation, the best substitute for alcohol is to go to a psychotherapist, who will help you talk and resolve the difficult situation.

Oku.Az reports about this with reference to

Tatyana Karpova, a Russian psychiatrist and narcologist, says that many people believe that alcohol actually cures stress, but in fact the opposite is true: “At first, alcohol actually improves mood for a short period, because the brain, under its influence, releases hormones of joy and happiness, but after that there is a rapid decline. The same thing happens when the effects of alcohol wear off.

“As a result, a closed circle is created: a person starts drinking more and more alcohol to improve his mood and relieve stress,” he added.

The narcologist warned that drinking alcohol in stressful situations can lead to full-blown addiction. “In this case, alcohol becomes a total depressant that can lead a person to suicide. In addition, alcohol becomes a catalyst for deterioration of the relationship of dependent people with their loved ones. It provokes arguments, quarrels and can destroy good relationships,” he concluded.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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