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HomeBreaking NewsDoes the principal accept bribes from teachers for teaching hours?

Does the principal accept bribes from teachers for teaching hours?

Information has spread on social networks that the principal of the secondary school in the village of Tazakend, named after R. Shirinov, in the Bilasuvar region, received bribes from teachers for his class hours.

Regarding the matter, the Shirvan-Salyan Regional Department of Education told “Qafqazinfo” that the department’s employees supervised the school and received relevant explanations from the principal, vice-principals and teachers.

Based on the research results, it was observed that in the mentioned school in the 2024-2025 academic year, the available teaching hours in four primary school groups (one high school group) were divided among 7 primary school teachers according to the evaluation . results.

“Primary school teacher Zakiya Bayramova, who expressed dissatisfaction with class hours, scored 33 points out of 60 possible points on the teacher certification exam and received 12 hours of study load. There is no primary school teacher in the school that scored less than ten points, but was given more study load.

“Currently, the Shirvan-Salyan Regional Education Department monitors educational institutions to observe the “Rules of Ethical Conduct of Educators”, to detect, prevent and eliminate defects and legal violations in work activities,” emphasizes the release.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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