Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 7:50 pm
HomeBreaking NewsDolina, deceived by scammers, received a building in the center of Moscow

Dolina, deceived by scammers, received a building in the center of Moscow

People’s Artist of Russia Larisa Dolina, who recently became a victim of a sophisticated fraud from Ukraine, received an entire building in the center of Moscow from a fan. portal has learned about this.

According to the 61-year-old businessman Yuri RasteginRastegin, who was prominent alongside the singer in the New Wave, is a very generous fan. Despite persistent rumors about their romance, both he and the artist claim that they are simply friendly. Rastegin spoke about his luxurious gift.

“Yes, this is a building near the Russian Army Theatre.” – said.

The Dolina could house its own jazz club in the building.

“Everything is ready there, everything is built. But now the Valley doesn’t have time for that.” – the businessman said.

As reported EADailyOn the morning of August 13, unknown persons attempted to break into Dolina’s apartment, claiming that it was their property.

At the same time, the artist’s Instagram account was hacked.*. Scammers began posting messages on behalf of Dolina in support of Ukraine and calling for donations to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Prior to this, the scammers had put the artist’s apartment up for auction.

Dolina later confirmed that she had been the victim of sophisticated and planned fraudulent activities by individuals from Ukraine. A criminal case was opened in connection with this, the artist herself was recognised as a victim and her apartment was seized.

The next day, the courier was detained and then arrested. Angela TsyrulnikovaIt was through her that the victim transferred funds to the scammers.

Now, according to the Telegram channel Baza, the singer is receiving demands to evict her from the apartment sold as part of the scam with threats of murder and serious damage to her personal health and that of her daughter. She asked for her home and property to be protected and asked to be placed under state protection.

Dolina filed a complaint with the court demanding that the property sale transaction be declared invalid; the “new owner” of the apartment filed a counterclaim; polina lurie.

According to Dolina, the investigation is in full swing, but he cannot reveal details.

*Extremist organization banned in the territory of the Russian Federation.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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