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HomeLatest NewsDoll Inspired by Scientist Pilar Mateo Wins Toy of the Year Award

Doll Inspired by Scientist Pilar Mateo Wins Toy of the Year Award

When girls (or boys, sorry for the mistake) have the doll “Pilar the Inventor” and explain to them that she is inspired in a real woman, of flesh and blood, more precisely in the scientist Pilar Mateo, while they entertain themselves and have fun, they will have learned something about research at the service of society.

This idea of ​​connecting the game promote the values ​​of “equality And inclusion” convinced the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of toys (AEFJ) to award it the prize for best toy of the year in one of its categories, a recognition that the company that produces it, Paola Reina, received this week.

The doll, which measures 32 centimeters in height, is accompanied by a book that explains Pilar Mateo’s work in the fight against diseases transmitted by insects in unprotected areas, to reinforce the message about the importance of research and global health, as detailed by the Ibi business group and the Foia de Castalla region (Alicante), IBIAE.

“This recognition demonstrates the commitment of Paola Reina with education in values ​​through play, consolidating it as one of the leading companies in the toy sector in Spain,” they stressed.

It was not the only company with roots in Onil -the inland municipality of Alicante, birthplace and reference of the dolls, thanks to the fame of famous– which stood out at the Best Toy of the Year Awards. Among the winners, “innovative products committed to social and environmental values” were rewarded, according to IBIAE.

A director of the company Paola Reina receives the award for the best toy of the year from the president of the Valencian Business Confederation (CEV), Salvador Navarro


In the category of Best Toy to Change the World, all of the LEGO In Braille received the award for its inclusive approach, while recognition for the best toy for a sustainable world went to the game of bowling of cork from the Korko collection, manufactured by Toynamics.

Famosa also stood out, a company historically linked to Onil, which won two important awards: its little bear storyteller’Poetry” was voted the best early childhood toy, thanks to the use of artificial intelligence to personalize stories. In addition, the dollNenuco ‘Cuida y Recicla’ was awarded for promoting the learning of recycling among the little ones. Other winners were the construction set ‘Cities‘ of Devir and the binoculars Vtech multimedia, which allows you to explore nature with advanced functions.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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