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HomeEntertainment NewsDonald Trump persists in lawsuit for disloyalty against American Jews

Donald Trump persists in lawsuit for disloyalty against American Jews

The Israeli right is always reactive when it comes to denouncing anti-Semitism around the world. One man seems to escape their surveillance: Donald Trump. The former American president, however, is used to making offensive comments against American Jews, whom he does not forgive for voting massively for the Democratic Party. On September 19, speaking at the annual conference of the conservative Israeli-American Council, the former president raised the possibility of his November 5 electoral defeat against Kamala Harris. According to him, “The Jews would have a lot to do with it, if it happened, because 40% [de soutien en sa faveur]This means that 60% of the people vote for the enemy.” Its defeat would imply, according to him, the end of Israel’s existence. “within two years.”

“This is the third time that Donald Trump is a presidential candidate, he cannot claim the benefit of the doubtentrusted to World Halie Soifer, president of the progressive organization Jewish Democratic Council of America. Trafficking in anti-Semitism. It is anti-Semitic according to the international definition of the word, by designating all Jews as scapegoats for its possible defeat, regardless of their political affiliation. This is incredibly dangerous because many right-wing extremists in this country hear it and are inspired by it. »

Contrary to claims, no opinion poll has ever given Donald Trump 40% support among American Jews. The latest Pew Research Center survey, published in early September, gave him 34%, compared to 65% for Kamala Harris, which would be very surprising. Over the years, the share of Democratic voters among Jewish voters has remained around 75%. The world of American Jews is extremely diverse, based on religious and cultural practices, origins, and attachment to Israel. According to another Pew Research Center study, published in 2021, there are approximately 5.8 million adults, or 2.4% of the US population, of voting age.

On September 19, Donald Trump also participated in a fundraiser hosted by Miriam Adelson, a major Republican donor and widow of casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, who tirelessly supports the colonization of the West Bank. The former president repeated a phrase widely used in recent months: Jews vote for Democrats “They should have their heads examined.” In short, not supporting Donald Trump, as a Jew, would be a sign of insanity.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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