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Donald Trump refuses to disavow Laura Loomer, a close friend, criticized within the MAGA movement itself

By bringing a sultry far-right influencer into his inner circle this week, Donald Trump could hardly have imagined the storm that would be unleashed within the family. “Make America Great Again” (MAGA), usually a soldier.

The enthusiastic and highly criticized Laura Loomer appeared prominently alongside the Republican candidate on Wednesday, September 11, at the commemoration ceremony for the 2001 attacks in New York. The day before, the 31-year-old activist was backstage during his debate with Kamala Harris in Philadelphia.

Two days earlier, Laura Loomer had posted a message on her X account, which has 1.3 million subscribers, which alarmed the billionaire’s most radical followers.

If Kamala Harris is elected, “It’s going to smell like curry in the White House”he wrote, referring to the Indian origins of the vice president’s mother. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back for several figures in Donald Trump’s camp.

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I don’t control Laura »

“This is appalling and extremely racist”Marjorie Taylor Greene, a member of the right-wing wing of the Republican Party, reacted. “This does not represent who we are as Republicans or MAGAs. This does not represent President Trump.”.

“It’s disgusting. Someone has to stop her.”said Willie Montague, a congressional candidate in a district in Florida, the state where Donald Trump lives and where Laura Loomer has twice appeared before voters, without success.

The passionflower responded virulently. “The Republicans who attack me are just jealous that I wasn’t on the plane with President Trump. It’s that simple.”wrote on Friday in X. When asked about her a few hours later in California, Donald Trump called her “ free spirit ». “I don’t control Laura. Laura says what she wants”he added.

Who presents himself as “investigative journalist” She is accused by her many detractors of racism, homophobia, transphobia and Islamophobia. Like her mentor, 47 years her senior, she is known for outrageous comments that have stirred up social media.

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Laura Loomer notably described Islam as ” cancer “the attacks of September 11th “internal conspiracy”, and blames Joe Biden for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in July.

Anthony Scaramucci, who served as White House communications director for 11 days under the former Republican president, said that Laura Loomer provided the candidate with many of the scathing messages he broadcast on his social media.

“Crazy conspiracy theorist”

“This person’s past is really toxic”For his part, he declared to Huffington Post South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham. This Republican Party figure even took the liberty of offering advice to Donald Trump, believing that the candidate “We would do a service by making sure this story doesn’t fall apart.”That is, removing the person in question from your team of colleagues.

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Thom Tillis, another Republican senator, did the same. ” Enough “he implored X. “Laura Loomer is a crackpot conspiracy theorist who regularly spouts nonsense designed to divide Republicans. An undercover Democratic Party operative would do no better to damage Trump’s chances of being re-elected.”he stated.

Laura Loomer has not given any signs of appeasement, but quite the opposite. In a lengthy message posted on Friday, she accuses Lindsey Graham of disloyalty to Donald Trump and adds that he was “stuffed like a quince” the night of the debate.

For Kamala Harris’s part, we are watching with interest this settling of scores within the Trumpist family. “Laura Loomer is not the problem. Trump is the problem”commented David Plouffe, an adviser to the Democrat’s campaign team.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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