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HomeLatest News"Don't let those who want more resources by lowering taxes give lessons"

“Don’t let those who want more resources by lowering taxes give lessons”

The president of the Generalitat and first secretary of the PSC, Salvador Illa, took advantage this morning of the Festival of Roses – the annual meeting of the Catalan socialists – to send a message of calm to the rest of Spain at a time when the debate on singular financing has caused a wave of concern throughout the country and also criticism within the PSOE.

Insisting on the message that the PSC has been transmitting since it agreed with ERC on the investiture, Illa assured that the Catalan socialists will be “at the forefront of solidarity”, thus ensuring that the agreement for the “singular financing” agreed with Esquerra leads, coupled with the contribution of Catalonia, to the improvement of Spain as a whole.

“We are not good at giving lessons, but those who demand more resources by lowering taxes should not give them to us. This is not solidarity, it is something else,” insisted Illa, who intends to travel to the rest of the Spanish regions “to explain our model and listen to what they propose to us.”

In a speech in which she alternated between Catalan and Spanish, and without the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, being present at the meeting due to the weather, Illa repeated several times what has already become a slogan. The same message that he transmitted this week in Madrid: “Catalonia has returned, to roll up its sleeves, to improve Spain, with progressive policies, and not by lowering taxes and doing strange things that no one understands.” “Those who say they want us to continue being part of Spain should be happy, but they are getting nervous,” he stressed after defending left-wing policies and “global agreements,” referring to his pact with the ERC and the Commons.

After several decades of internal division due to the “trial”, Illa has instead insisted on his intention to “govern for all, regardless of the ideas, language or religion of each citizen”. Also, defense of Catalan, but with nuances. If a few weeks ago he designated the language as “the backbone of the Catalan nation”, today he emphasizes that Catalan “represents a good part of the identity of our country”, insisting that defending the language does not imply “attacking Spanish”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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