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“Don’t worry, you will be charged.”

The President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayusothe purge that the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezis preparing for the PSOE in Madrid, even though he considers that its leader, Juan Lobatohe will remain in his post. “There are three chiefs of staff, five government delegates, five changes in the Civil Guard and 41 ministers. I assure you that there will be a burden for you, don’t worry“, said Ayuso during her speech at the government control session in the Madrid Assembly. This is how the Madrid president appeared in reference to Lobato’s change of opinion regarding the Catalan quota agreed by the PSOE with the ERC in exchange for her appointment as president of the Generalitat. Salvador Illa.

“But what I ask of you, above all be brave“Because you are not a criminal and therefore you are condemned to sanchism,” Ayuso stressed in his speech. The socialist leader questioned the Madrid president about “the regional financing model currently in force” in the region, to which Ayuso recalled the refusal of other PSOE leaders to the Catalan quota, such as Javier Lamban. “I ask you to be brave and look at what Lambán is doing, what he has done Joaquin Leguinawhat he did Felipe Gonzalez and what so many socialists have done who have risen to the occasion in the most difficult times,” he said.

In this sense, Isabel Díaz Ayuso wanted to give “advice” to Juan Lobato on the legacy he could leave to the PSOE of Madrid and in “the history of the Community of Madrid”. “Because you, at least when you enter the history of the Community of Madrid, the people of this region will be able to say ‘yes, but he fought for Spain and Madrid‘. “Here, I leave the advice to you,” he defended himself.

“Leave your obsession with Sanchez behind”

In turn, Juan Lobato asked Isabel Díaz Ayuso to overcome “and his obsession” with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez. “Stop these stories that we are going to sing 40, you do not even sing 20 to the President of the Government… Dedicate yourselves to institutional loyalty, dedicate yourselves to working for Madrid, that is what this community needs, what Spain needs a president of the Community of Madrid who brings level, seriousness and institutional loyalty,” stressed the leader of the PSOE of Madrid.

In this sense, the socialist leader accused the president of the Community of Madrid of applying a model that serves to “tax cut for billionaires and then “not being able to collect 300 euros for public school teachers”.

Ayuso therefore regretted Lobato’s speech and stressed that she did not want “Spain or the common fund” to be broken. The PP leader accused the socialist leader of “demagogy” and recalled that the 50 billion that the Community of Madrid collects for the work of the people of Madrid, “only 17 billion remain here” and the rest is used to pay the public treasury, money that then goes to “those who literally hate Spain”, in reference to the separatists.

“Censorship” of the Sánchez government

In her speech, Isabel Díaz Ayuso also attacked the “censorship” of journalists that the government of Pedro Sanchez wants to achieve with the Action Plan for Democracywho seeks to silence critical media. “He seeks to intimidate journalists,” said the Madrid president.

“Even the top officials of the IEC do not know what they are charging, but they will put businesses in hand“, to the audiovisual companies, to their leaders, to the journalists to intimidate them, to persecute the judges and the media, this is what they imagined during the five days of love in La Moncloa,” he lamented.

Furthermore, in response to the proposal by the PSOE spokesman in the Assembly, Juan Lobato, that regional financing be debated in the Assembly, Ayuso told him that what she was going to propose was “a plenary session of censure” to talk about “everything that is happening” in Spain and how “they are opposing the press.” At this point, the PP leader criticized the fact that the government is going to decide “what is biased information, who is a good or bad journalist.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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