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HomeLatest NewsDoubts about the electric car? Advantages in Spain

Doubts about the electric car? Advantages in Spain

Despite the efforts of the European Union, the Spanish government and the automotive industry, the penetration of electric cars remains relatively low in our country. In fact, the data managed by Eurostat reveal that it is at the bottom of the Old Continent, with a share of 5 to 10%, if we include hybrids. Thus, the 100% electric fleet would exceed the mark of 150,000 units circulating on Spanish roads – depending on the source consulted – although there are inventories that place this figure at almost 200,000. In any case, very far from the government objectives of 5.5 million that it was planned to have by 2030.

And, according to a report prepared by Deloitte, Spanish users still prefer combustion technology, which reflects how the market is really perceived and shows the existence of psychological barriers – which are added to economic barriers – when it comes to betting on a completely green vehicle. Most of them are related to autonomy or charging stations, although studies indicate that these are, in many cases, erroneous beliefs. And there are data that refute these false considerations. For example, current technology already exceeds 500 kilometers of continuous operation – in several models this figure rises to more than 700 -, while the existing network of stations – with around 32,000 public points – only has an average use of 6.3%, according to the Business Association for the Development and Promotion of Electric Mobility (AEDIVE).

The organization also indicates that the number of operational public charging stations increased by 40% in the first quarter of 2024, which is evidence of an effort to improve infrastructure. In total, between January and March, 1,850 new stations were launched and, according to AEDIVE, “there is an adequate public charging infrastructure for the electric vehicle fleet.” In Spain, 34% of the points are high-power – more than 22 kW -, with a growth in ultra-fast points – more than 50 kW -. This growth is accompanied by the strategic plans of the 45 charging station operators. Of course, the network is unevenly distributed throughout the territory, with Catalonia, Madrid and Andalusia at the forefront.

Despite the handicaps and popular beliefs, the progressive change that is taking place thanks to public policies is considered positive by the sector. The share of electrified vehicles continues to grow significantly, which has an impact on automobile factories, which are adapting to include electrified models in their production lines. This structural change could have – employers point out – economic and employment implications. In addition to infrastructure and consumer education, the key seems to be to identify the current obstacles to exploiting the opportunities for innovation and development that the moment presents.

What is the user’s position?

A recent study by McKinsey confirms that the public is oscillating between enthusiasm and skepticism, but only “29% of users would return to a combustion car”, although this figure varies considerably depending on the country. Among the obstacles reported by drivers are “low familiarity with the technology” and “high cost”. On the first element, the text specifies that “more than 25% of skeptics have concerns about autonomy or charging infrastructure”. Likewise, it specifies that the current profile of buyers is “young, urban and with high incomes”, a knowledge that allows to segment the market and guide marketing strategies and incentive policies.

Regarding the economic effort, “27% of European consumers are ready to consider a Chinese brand of electric vehicles in the future”, according to the work of McKinsey. However, it must be taken into account that the EU and US authorities are trying to ensure that electricity production is domestic. Although the contribution of electric cars made in China could be the determining factor in the fall in their prices, the recent Western position on both sides of the Atlantic has been to limit this penetration: from North America, cars from China will be taxed at 100%. . The Asian giant, while in Europe additional tariffs of up to 38% will be imposed.

Is this the best option to reduce emissions?

In academia, the electric vehicle is also hailed as a great bet for the future. So much so that IESE Business school of the University of Navarra (UNAV) considers that this is the most efficient proposal in terms of energy conversion. It should not be forgotten that the objective is to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. But this institution lists other strengths of 100% electric cars, such as the fact that “they have more space for passengers, allow greater creativity in their design, integrate electronics and softwareand they are less noisy. From this university center, it is recalled that “many drivers who have tried electric vehicles would not return to traditional cars.”

At the same time, electric is also the strongest bet of the European Environment Agency (EEA) in terms of mobility and transport. In a publication last June, the entity underlines that “the production of these vehicles should be more efficient over time” and that in return, “the production of electricity will be cleaner, which could reduce emissions by 73% by 2050.” In addition, it provides optimistic data for the future: “In 2023, electric cars represented 23.6% of new registrations in Europe.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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