Friday, September 20, 2024 - 8:29 am
HomeLatest NewsDrones are for war

Drones are for war

Do you remember when, a few years ago, the drone became a star Christmas gift? As before with the e-book or the electric scooter, the wise men got tired of distributing small, cheap drones, to which you could attach a camera or a mobile phone to take incredible photos and videos. How fascinated we were by drones: there was no film or series that did not include an aerial shot filmed with a drone, they were used in sports broadcasts, they created incredible drawings in the sky during the Olympic openings and New Year celebrations in China. And very soon, we would see them flying in our cities, delivering packages, this was the future that Amazon promised us. Do you remember?

After a few years, the drone that the kings brought you is gathering dust in an attic, next to the e-reader and the old yogurt maker. The top-down shots in the movies no longer impress anyone. And deliveries in cities are not carried out by flying drones or driverless cars, but by exploited cyclists and transporters who cannot even stop to pee. The future, dear colleagues, was this. And what happened to drones? They triumphed, without a doubt: today, they are manufactured and used more than ever. And although they have many and very important civilian uses, they have found their natural place: war. That’s what they were invented for, what did you think? To kill and destroy easily and cheaply.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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