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Duda may have crashed while flying to a meeting with Biden – EADaily, September 17, 2024 – Political News, European News

In Poland, evidence has been released from senior officials who were on board President Andrzej Duda’s plane in 2022 when a serious incident occurred in the air. It turns out that the Polish president, and with him his entire team, could have died in the same way as the country’s president, Lech Kaczynski, did in 2010 near Smolensk.

Evidence taken from a recently published book. Zbigneva Parafyanovich “Poland at war.” The presidential Boeing took off from Warsaw Airport on March 25, 2022 in Rzeszow, where Andrzej Duda was supposed to meet. Joe Bidenmaking his first visit to Poland. The flight was supposed to last forty-five minutes, but Duda was late. The car returned after several dozen kilometers. The pilot reported a breakdown. What was happening inside the plane in the meantime, eyewitnesses recall. The evidence is published in the chronicle:

“I was going to the bathroom when I felt very tense. It was like the driver was fighting the car. He tried to lift me up at all costs so I wouldn’t fall. My legs became terribly heavy. Basically, I couldn’t go. I went back to my seat, holding on to the seats.”

“At first everything was shaking. Then a strong feeling of being overwhelmed appeared. Nobody knew what it was…”

“At the beginning of this strange event, someone made a joke. Such classic jokes when the plane shakes violently. Like a charter flight to Egypt. Someone said that when this happens we will applaud the pilot. The soldiers laughed at us for dumping fuel, although I don’t think we did. Perhaps then words related to Smolensk were uttered. Something like black humor. However, these jokes quickly ended. It was clear that something was wrong. I have not seen the president. I sat next to the Chief of the General Staff, General Raimund Andrzejczak. At first he was calm. But only at first.

“Everyone was looking at the military. Their reaction was a litmus test of what was going on. We thought they knew better. In such situations, everyone looks to the military, because who knows better than them? The car belongs to the First Transport Aviation Base. The military knew better than anyone how things were. However, their barracks-like mood quickly gave way to seriousness. This could only mean one thing: we would make an emergency landing.”

“Someone came out of the cockpit between the pilots. He was green and scared. He didn’t say anything.”

“I texted my wife about a problem with the car. I said goodbye.”

“On April 10, 2010, the plane carrying the president crashed. If this happened, why don’t we fall? It destroyed morale. I thought: “Will Smolensk happen again?” But this is funny.”

“It was the longest flight of my life. I did not want to join the ranks of other soldiers who died in disasters. I prefer war. Smolensk, however, is a certain disgrace. A failure of the state. Regardless of whether you are one of those who support the theory of murder or those who are convinced of the negligence of Russia and Poland. Well, it cannot be that this shame will happen again twelve years later.”

“We landed in a deathly silence. Nobody said anything. It was a completely surreal image.”

“After landing, I saw that the president [Анджей Дуда] I was very nervous. Duda swears a lot. He doesn’t disdain swearing. I can’t say whether he swore because the plane had broken down or because we were so late. We should have welcomed Biden. In the meantime, he was received by the head of the Ministry of Defense. Mariusz Blaszczak

“Such an accident can happen on any plane, but not on a three-year-old Boeing that the president flies. This should not have happened.”

EADaily Remember that this is not the first incident involving Duda’s flights. Last year, the Polish president could have crashed while flying over the United States.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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