Pavel Durov, co-founder of the Telegram messenger, said he was in contact with representatives of the French General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI, counterintelligence) and met with them in Dubai during the interrogation in Paris.
Oku.AzThis was reported by the newspaper “Libération” citing a source.
During this meeting, Durov clearly stated that it would not be appropriate for him to reveal information that constituted a military secret. The newspaper does not explain what exactly the conversation was about.
In addition, as the source noted, Pavel Durov said that within the framework of the fight against terrorism he opened an official communication channel with the DGSI with a direct line and a special e-mail address. According to him, the exchange of information through these channels even made it possible to prevent several terrorist acts.
After his arrest, Durov said he was willing to cooperate and provided his mobile phone and access code to law enforcement.
The Élysée Palace was alerted to the incident and French President Emmanuel Macron discussed the situation with Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, head of the United Arab Emirates, on August 25.
As for Durov’s French citizenship, the decision to grant it to the Telegram co-founder was Macron’s. At a press conference during his visit to Belgrade, Macron said that he considers this step absolutely justified.
At the same time, it was previously reported that Durov was rejected several times when he applied for French citizenship because he did not meet the necessary criteria.