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HomeLatest NewsDutch press highlights photos of King Juan Carlos kissing Barbara Rey

Dutch press highlights photos of King Juan Carlos kissing Barbara Rey

No Spaniard is probably unaware that King Juan Carlos I had an affair with the star Barbara Rey. And yet, until now (almost) no Spaniard had seen images of this affair. It is today, 30 years after they were taken, and in a Dutch magazine, that the first photographs of the emeritus kissing his former lover have been revealed.

They are published by ‘Privé’, a Dutch newspaper that had access to them through Ángel Cristo Jr, son of Bárbara Rey. ‘Privé’ specifies that the images were taken by Christ himself and that they date back to 1994, when he was 13 years old.

The magazine claims that Angel Cristo took these photos under the instructions of his mother, with the idea of ​​blackmailing the monarch later, something that Barbara Rey denied this morning in statements to various media. “I have no words […]”These photos belong to me, they belong to my private life and my son took them without my permission,” Bárbara Rey told ‘Vanitatis’, hinting that she will resort to “justice”.

The images, in any case, were taken in the artist’s house, where his meetings with the father of the current King Felipe VI took place. Until now Audios of these intimate meetings have been revealedbut no graphic document of it was known.

The HBO documentary “Save the King”, premiered two years ago, showed how the Spanish intelligence services came to organize the meetings of the now emeritus king with his lovers in secret locations and how they paid the actress Bárbara Rey for years before the blackmail to which the star subjected the current National Intelligence Center (CNI) – formerly CESID – by threatening to make public the audios in which the monarch naturally spoke both about intimate subjects and issues that affect the security of the State.

The publication of these unpublished photographs also coincides with the announcement that King Juan Carlos will publish his memoirs in a French publishing house, as revealed on Tuesday by the French magazine “Point de Vue”. “I feel like my story is being stolen,” the magazine quotes the monarch as saying.

The book, entitled “Reconciliation”, will be published early next year by Stock and “traces the childhood of the emeritus sovereign and the great moments of his reign from his coronation” until his abdication in 2014.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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