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HomeBreaking NewsIn Spain there are 5 million scooters and 1,200 accidents like the...

In Spain there are 5 million scooters and 1,200 accidents like the one in Murcia: “Each city does what it wants”

The recent attack on MurciaOr A van ran over two minors who traveled in electric scooter and then flee, has once again put the spotlight on the risks associated with an increasingly popular means of transport in Spain. This accident, which left a 17 year old young man already one 16 year old girl with serious injuries, is just one of many incidents that have I activated the alarms about the road safety regarding electric scooters.

This type of vehicle, considered personal mobilityhas become years ago a kind of sustainable and efficient alternative in Spanish cities. But also one of the favorites of young people who, precisely because of their age, do not yet have access to vehicles like cars either motorcycles. According to data from Spanish Federation of Personal Mobility Vehicles there are already some five million electric scooters in our country.

But the fame of these economical and easy-to-maintain vehicles has been eclipsed by the number of accidents in which they were involved. According to the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), until July 2023 more than 1,200 accidents linked to electric scooters nationwide, a significant increase over previous years. In addition, his own DGT reported over the past year that the number of electric scooters involved in serious or fatal accidents had increased A 35% compared to the previous one.

Some of them were really notorious because minors were involved. April 2023, 14-year-old boy dies Lion after hitting his scooter with a car. Just a few weeks ago, in August 2024another minor 12 years old He died in similar circumstances in San Javier, Murcia. The last one, that of the two young people crushed in Murcia which ended in intensive care unit.


A minor holds on to an electric scooter with the help of an adult.

European press.

“There is a lack of road safety education”

Jesus Rodriguez, Civil Traffic Guard and Expert in Road safety, explains that one of the problems with electric scooters is that many of their users They don’t know the basic rules of signaling and regulation: “We see how they give children scooters, children walking on public roads with motor vehicles, in total ignorance of the regulations, the signage, the rules. I, who use the scooter to go to work, am one of the rare city dwellers who they use the helmet with lights, reflective vest, I wear gloves… I am clear that the body of the skate is me and I must protect myself.”

Experts agree that it is necessary road safety education be able to use an electric scooter. But legislation in Spain In this regard, it is quite ambiguous and depends on municipal ordinances; that is, what each person considers The city hall. “It is scandalous that each municipality has different regulations. Some have a minimum age to use 15 years oldothers 16. There are those who require minors to wear helmets, others do not require it… All regulations should be fully regulated by the “DGT”, continue Rodriguez, who is also CEO of Family road safety.

The truth is that by having the municipalities power to regulate the use of scooters electric At the local level, the result is fragmented and sometimes confusing regulation. For example, in MadridElectric scooters can be used on cycle paths, cycle lanes and streets with a speed limit of 30 km/h. However, its use is strictly prohibited on sidewalks, pedestrian areas, bus lanes and the M-30.

In Barcelonaregulations are also restrictive regarding traffic on sidewalks and pedestrian areas. Scooters must travel on cycle paths on roads or sidewalks, as well as on streets limited to 30 km/h. In other cities such as Alicante And BilbaoIt has been made mandatory for all users of electric scooters have a liability insurance civil, a measure which is still optional in most of the Spanish cities. While Pamplona stands out for its regulations which allow under 14 years old to use electric scooters, contrary to the minimum age of 16 years set by the DGT nationwide.

The Spanish government has proposed a law that will bind to all electric scooters have a liability insurance. The measure, which is still being implemented, still raises doubts about its ability to reduce accidents, as it is not mandatory for users to have knowledge of road safety. Rodriguez proposes that a certificate of 10 hours of training in a driving school and that it is prohibited in totally urban areas, such as The Ramblas from Barcelona.


A young woman rides an electric scooter on a pedestrian crossing in Barcelona.


Scooters usually to blame

“What we found is that skates typically run over pedestrians, and a skate going 25 km/h will injure a pedestrian. At many intersections, it’s common to see a skate being hit by a vehicle, and the injuries are quite serious, even fatal. In most cases, The culprit is usually the scooter driver. Because? Well, listen, sometimes he takes intercity roads. There, it is legislated that it is totally forbidden. The vehicle of personal mobility “It’s an eminently urban vehicle. Many people don’t know that,” he says. Jesus Rodriguez, who claims that even if many are young, there is also adults who does not know the ruler and they end up having accidents.

The debate on the security of the electric scooters is not limited to Spain. Cities around the world are re-evaluating their policies toward these vehicles. Melbourne, Australia, for example, has banned electric scooter rental services in its urban center due to safety concerns. This measure, taken by the mayor Nicolas Reece, This has been very controversial and has generated conflict between local authorities and mayors of neighbouring municipalities who support these services as a solution to reduce congestion and pollution.


A man rides an electric scooter in central Melbourne, where it is now banned.

Getty Images.

In Copenhagen, Denmark, it was decided in 2020 ban the rental of electric scooters in city centers. The measure was implemented after a significant increase in accidents and disturbances caused by improperly parked scooters, raising concerns about pedestrian safety and street cleanliness. Although the ban was later partially lifted, the city has maintained strict regulations on where and how the vehicles can be used.

Paris, For his part, it was also necessary drastic measures against the electric scooters. After a period of testing and the introduction of fines for inappropriate parking, in September 2023, Parisians they voted in a referendum to forbid electric scooter rental services in the city. The move reflects growing concern among residents about the chaos and dangers these vehicles pose in a densely populated city.

Another city that has taken a restrictive stance is Montreal, Canada. In 2020, the city has decided to ban electric scooters rental due to safety concerns and non-compliance with rules by users. Although private scooters are still allowed, the ban has significantly reduced the presence of these vehicles in the city.

In Oslo, the capital of Norway, has imposed a night ban in 2021 due to an increase accidents during at night. Additionally, the city has limited the total number of scooters that can be available on the streets, reflecting growing concerns about accidents and chaos in public spaces.

There are experts in Spain which invite us to reflect on the possibility of to forbid THE electric scooters in some urban areas, such as cities like Melbourne. In short, the recent ban on Community from Madrid to transport scooters public transport It appears that this is just one example of many other restrictions that could be imposed.




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