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HomeLatest NewsEach Valencian in the government receives 233 euros less than the average

Each Valencian in the government receives 233 euros less than the average

Carlos Mazon denounced during the general policy debate held in the Valencian Cortes “indifference, oblivion and mockery” of the Spanish government chaired by the socialist Pedro Sanchez towards the Valencian Community. Among other issues, Mazón said that Each Valencian now receives 233 euros less than the government average. He again claimed a temporary leveling fund until there is a new financing system and regretted that the Dialogue with the Spanish government is “non-existent”.

For Carlos Mazón, The “biggest mockery of all” is underfunding that the Valencian Community suffered for 15 years, when the current system was approved with José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, also a socialist, at the head of the Spanish government.

Referring specifically to the underfunding suffered by the Valencian Community, Carlos Mazón warned that this is a problem that “will get even worse” if the Spanish government completes what he called the “A fiscal coup to keep Pedro Sánchez at Moncloa”in reference to the one said Catalan quota which, for Mazón, “puts at risk the pillars of the autonomous State and the entire decentralized system of public service delivery,” in reference to health, education and dependency.

Health and dependency

Mazón also recalled the 3.4 billion that the Spanish government owes to the Valencian Community in dependency mattersas already published by OKDIARIO, the 926 million that the Sánchez executive also owes to the Valencian government for assistance to displaced persons, as this media also published.

But in addition, he demanded from two ministries, that of Health and that of Science, the latter headed by the current general secretary of the Valencian socialists Diana Morant, an increase in the positions of resident internal doctors, what is known as MIR and, above all, the Approval of medical diplomas outside the EUA question that the Valencian Ministry of Health has been asking Diana Morant for months without the minister having given an answer.

In front of the latter, Carlos Mazón announced that his government would offer MIRs who complete their training in Valencian health care. temporary contracts lasting from one to three yearsThe objective is clear: that these MIRs remain in the Valencian health system and that their position as residents is occupied by the next promotions, which will reduce the number of more than 700 doctors missing in the Valencian Community.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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