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HomeBreaking NewsEight menas from the Casa de Campo center arrested for death threats...

Eight menas from the Casa de Campo center arrested for death threats and attacks against workers

Eight unaccompanied minors residents of the Casa de Campo shelter were arrested for attacking the workers, as reported by police sources. Some events that took place on September 18 at 10:00 p.m.

As reported in the newspaper The worldnot only did attacks take place, but so did the detainees They threatened to kill the director and deputy director of the center. In addition, the aforementioned media also publish that the origin of this violent episode is linked to the thefts committed by some of the minors more problematic, several of them are of North African origin and arrived from the Canary Islands a few months ago.

National Police sources explain that on the night of September 18, they received a call because one of the minors had attacked a guard at the center. An employee tried to mediate between them, but when she was unable to do so, she asked the center guards for help. It was at that moment that there was a “revolt” and the miners began to attack the guards, which is why it was necessary to notify the police.

In total, eight arrests took place, seven minors and one adult, born in 2006, accused of crimes of tumultuous fight and injuries.

Apparently, as published in the newspaper The worldsecurity officers found several watches, tablets, cell phones and other belongings in one of the rooms which They would have been stolen. These items belonged to several people whose camper vans were parked near the juvenile center.

The aforementioned media report that in the end, all the detainees were released to the disposal of the center, no precautionary measures having been taken against them. Apparently, several of the detainees have already accumulated crimes since arriving in Madrid after being transferred from the Canary Islands.

“Normality” in La Cantueña

On the other hand, as published Europe Pressthe first reception center in the center of La Cantueña, in Fuenlabrada, is operating “normally” after the arrival last Friday of the first dozen users.

The Minister of Families, Youth and Social Services, Ana Davila, He told journalists after a visit to the Juan XXIII Foundation that the minors “are integrating very well” and that the center is “functioning normally.”

Dávila said they were already “immersed in their integration and training program”highlighting below “the excellent work” that professionals are doing with these minors.

The Community of Madrid announced last Monday that the first minors had already arrived in this center, protagonist of the political confrontation throughout this year between the Regional Executive and the mayor of Fuenlabrada. Javier Ayala.

They emphasized at the beginning of the week that as a first reception center, their workers work with them on the language, knowledge of the rules, the country and the cultural environment in which they will operate, “but, of course , from the first moment We also work on their training, on outings, on visits and, obviously, knowing the environment.”

They insisted that the objective of the first reception is to begin the integration process with a reception carried out by professionals, also highly qualified in this type of activity, at the beginning of the knowledge of the language and the rules .




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