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Election debate between Harris and Trump, a decisive meeting without an audience and with everything measured in detail

There are just hours left before Kamala Harris and Donald Trump see each other for the first time in a while. presidential debate This is considered historic. The Democrat and the Republican have a lot at stake in a decisive face-off that both come with the aim of tipping in their favor a balance of voting intentions that remains technically equal.

At 9:00 PM (US time, 3:00 AM in Spain) this Tuesday, September 10, the controversial former President Trump and the new Democratic candidate Harris will face off at the National Constitution Center, a museum dedicated to the Constitution of the United States. Both will debate PhiladelphiaPennsylvania, in one of the states closer between Democrats and Republicans and this will help determine the winner of the electionsof this year.

Everything is measured: the debate, without an audience, will last 90 minutes and will include two commercial breaks. Both will appear on the image at the same time and will be standing. Even if luck has decided that it is Trump who has the last word in the debate, and Harris is the one who occupies the right side of the screen.

As in the June debate on CNN between Biden and Trump, they will not be able to bring any electronic devices and will not be able to count on their advisers. Of course, as they have communicated, the ABC network will give them a sheet of paper and a pen.

Microphones will be turned off while the opponent is speaking

And in addition, the candidates’ microphones will be silent when it was not his turn to speak, that was precisely the main thing point of divergence between the two sides before the debate. While Trump’s team favored replicating the June rules on CNN, so that only those who have a turn to speak can speak, the Harris campaign advocated a return to the traditional norm and so-called “hot microphones.”

So the microphones will eventually open and close depending on the revolutions, which in theory plays against the Democratic candidatewho hoped to benefit from the oratorical skills he had acquired during his tenure as prosecutor. His team regretted that, in accepting the rules, Trump wanted to “protect himself” from direct exchanges of words.

In fact, the debate between Harris and Trump’s Vice President Mike Pence during the campaign leading up to the 2020 US Elections She left among the main anecdotes the Democrat’s discomfort with interruptions. “Mr. Vice President, I’m speaking. I’m speaking,” he said at one point.

Harris prepares for debate while Trump improvises

In the final stretch before the debate, Kamala Harris has decided to isolate himself with his team in a hotel for five days, devoting that time to intense preparation. Accompanied by her husband, who was seen several times wearing a campaign sweatshirt, Harris recreated the debate atmosphere in a private room, where she even a “double” that imitates its rivalDonald Trump. The impersonator not only replicates the former president’s style and attacks, but also adopts her way of dressing and speaking, in an effort to prepare her for any attacks at the event.

For his part, Donald Trump, true to his style, opted for improvisation. Instead of formally rehearsing, he continued his intense schedule of rallies, which has not gone unnoticed. “Now he’s practicing. He’s locked himself in a room. He’s got a lot to learn,” Trump said of Harris, showing his disdain for formal preparations.

“Guys, we’re run by stupid people… We found out in the debate with Joe. How did it go? And we’ll find out again Tuesday night,” he said, referring to his previous confrontation with Biden.

A face-to-face encounter that changed everything

It was precisely the face-off Trump was referring to that meant the beginning of the end of the application of the current tenant of the White House. It was then that after several hesitations and public mistakes, Joe Biden’s age was once again in the spotlight and his electoral campaign took a turn. A few weeks later, faced with pressure from citizens and his own Democratic Party, Joe Biden has withdrawnto make way for his vice-president Kamala Harris.

What do the polls say?

Unlike what happened last time Trump-Biden debateThis time everything is in the air since The polls do not show a clear winner.

When Biden was forced to hand over to his number two, Harris started with a surge in popularity. A recent poll published by the New York Times had the Republican tycoon getting 48% of the vote, one point more than Harris.

The vice president has at least a one- to three-point lead in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, while the two candidates are tied in Nevada, Georgia, North Carolina and Arizona. These are the “swing states” that could end up giving victory to one candidate or another and are not chosen in advance for any of them.

Today, Harris is fighting to break the ties with Trump. But first, she must succeed. first face to face with the Republican candidate, who last time stirred up his opponent with lies, a diffuse Joe Biden who found himself cornered by his own party and caused his withdrawal from the presidential race for the White House.




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