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HomeLatest NewsElena Tablada's harsh and unexpected confession: in front of her daughters

Elena Tablada’s harsh and unexpected confession: in front of her daughters

Elena Tablada has taken a step forward sharing deeply personal details about her complicated relationship with her mother. The businesswoman used the program ‘I stay with me’ to open up emotionally, in a healing process guided by Therapist Andrea Vicente. What began as a reflection on his life and marriages has become a revelation about the emotional wounds he continues to carry due to the conflicted relationship he has with his mother. According to him, his mother does not hesitate to disqualify him, even in the presence of his daughters, Ella and Camila.

Tablada’s Confessions He was surprised by the sincerity with which he spoke about the family tensions he has endured for years. Although he has always emphasized the fundamental role that his mother played in his life, the continuous criticism and reproaches have left an indelible mark on his emotional well-being. According to him, these conflicts are not new, but what affects him most today is that these harsh wordsthe s are pronounced in front of their daughters.

During the conversation with the therapist, Elena recounted specific episodes in which her mother made hurtful comments without any qualms.many of them in the most vulnerable moments for the creator. “My mother has this habit of making a joke when you least expect it. It’s something that has made me feel very bad on several occasions.” he began to explain. These comments, which range from indirect accusations to direct criticism, have generated a deep sense of frustration in Elena. According to the designer, one of the most difficult moments is when her mother questions her ability to manage her life, throwing phrases like: “You see, that’s why everything that happens to you happens to you.”.

The Pain of Elena Tablada

The most painful For Elena, it’s that, even though she has tried to improve her emotional management in therapy, when it comes to her mother, all these efforts seem to collapse. “With her, it’s different, she knows exactly where to press to hurt me. He has prepared sentences, such as ‘how heavy you are’ or ‘this is why relationships don’t work for you, this is why you’re alone.’ It’s something he tells me constantly, and throughout my life I’ve had to hear those words over and over again,” he confessed. These statementswhich have been repeated since childhood, have deeply marked their self-esteem.

David Bisbal’s ex-wife explained that her relationship with her mother is strained not only because of the harsh words she receives, but also because of the lack of emotional support. Despite the successes she has achieved in her professional and personal life, she feels that she has never received positive recognition from her mother.He never says things to me like “what a good mother you are” or “what a worker.” There’s always criticism, and sometimes it seems like the only thing you hear me say is that I’m a “sick person.” It’s a word he likes to use, but not in the insistent sense, but in a pejorative tone that It hurts me a lot” he explained sadly.

Tablada of Elena’s last interview. (Photo: Telecinco)

What worries him most is the impact these family tensions can have on his daughters. Elena is determined to protect them from this cycle of disqualifications and admits that she doesn’t want the girls to grow up in an environment where their mother is constantly put down. “I don’t like my daughters seeing their grandmother talking to me like that. I don’t want them to think it’s okay for someone to treat you this way.especially someone in your family.

The Complicated Relationship Between Mother and Daughter

Therapist Andrea Vicente He intervened at the most emotional moment of the conversation, highlighting the damage that these words may have caused to Elena since her childhood.Your mother has labeled you your whole life. and it deeply affects your self-esteem. The phrases he said to you, your father’s rejection and the constant comparisons have opened wounds that have not yet healed,” the therapist said. These observations led Elena to reflect even more on the impact long-term effect that his relationship with his mother had on his emotional development.

Tablada, visibly affected by the therapist’s analysis, acknowledged that one of the things that hurts her most is the lack of kind and encouraging words from her mother.Of course, I would like him to tell me something positive one day, to recognize me as a good mother or a responsible person. Sometimes, after an argument, he says “my daughter, how beautiful you are”, but I never hear things like “what a hard worker” or “what a madrass you are”. It would do me good“But that doesn’t happen,” he confessed, tears in his eyes.

Elena Tablada was very brave

Throughout the program it became clear that, although Elena and her mother love each other, as often happens in many family relationshipsYes, there are deep tensions that need to be resolved. Despite Tablada’s attempts to resolve these issues and protect his emotional well-being, His relationship with his mother remains a complicated and painful issue.. However, through therapeutic support and her personal work, the designer is determined to break the cycle of disqualification that has marked her life for so many years.

It must be taken into account that some of the reproaches that the designer addresses to her mother are related to Javier Ungría. She believes that she has not been fair, since she took a stand in his favor without knowing the truth. He has been very brave, but will there be consequences?


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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