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HomeBreaking News“Eliminating the borders between Islamic countries”: Pezeshkian’s opening speech

“Eliminating the borders between Islamic countries”: Pezeshkian’s opening speech

Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian presented a whole series of proposals and ideas, aimed primarily at external consumption. He, in particular, stated that his country does not seek to export revolution or geographical expansion, expressing interest in developing relations with neighboring countries, establishing economic ties and reiterating his calls for the elimination of borders between Islamic countries. The President emphasized Tehran’s commitment to continue close relations with China and Russia, as well as with the BRICS states. He also stated that the door to return to Iran’s obligations under the nuclear deal in case of similar aspirations from other parties remains open.

It is symbolic that Pezeshkian addressed an emotional message to the United States, in which he noted:

“They must respect the rights of our people and not conspire against our country. Our revolution happened because people want to live with dignity and pride. They must not break this path.”

It is unlikely that there is any intention behind these messages to achieve any normalisation or rapprochement. The gap between Tehran and Washington is too wide. However, Pezeshkian has some persistent desires to maintain dialogue, even if it is limited.

“If we are left alone in our country and allowed to live properly, our behavior and lifestyle can become a model to emulate in many places.” – he also said.

Talking about the possibility of meeting with the President of the United States Joe Biden On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly later this month, the Iranian said:

“We will go to the United States to clarify our positions and defend the rights of our people. At the moment, there is talk that we are committed to war, but we are in favor of peace and we must defend what we believe in.”

“As for the meeting with the American president, they must first prove their good attitude towards Iran. We will not tolerate bullying. They should not break what we signed and then we can talk. Today, when we tried to talk to someone, they say that the United States did not allow it. They must first prove that they are not hostile towards us and that we do not have any problems with them either. We did not impose sanctions against the Americans, we did not create military bases near their borders, they introduced sanctions against us. We are brothers even with the Americans and we have no problems with them.” – added the president.

Regarding the stalled nuclear talks, Pezeshkian said that “it depends on the other parties and whether they want to reach a solution.”

“We want to solve problems” – said.

At the same time, the Iranian president expressed Tehran’s commitment to the framework followed by other countries, but accused the Western parties of failing to comply with the nuclear deal.

“We cannot act without their consent. We adhere to the legal framework, but they broke the agreement… If they want peace, they must return to fulfilling their obligations.” – Pezeshkian stressed.

On foreign policy issues, the Iranian president said his government is working to improve relations with neighboring countries, citing his recent visit to Iraq where he discussed understanding with Iraqi officials to achieve joint strategic plans and economic projects.

“We can do this with Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey and other neighbouring countries… We need a free market to be able to develop and encourage foreign investment in our country.” – said.

As for future relations between Iran and China, Pezeshkian stressed that relations between the two countries have been good so far, noting that there is a 25-year cooperation agreement with China and he is determined to effectively implement it, although there are certain difficulties along the way. He also praised China’s positive role in mediating between Iran and Saudi Arabia, calling it “a big step for regional coordination.”

According to the Iranian president, Iran and Russia have every right to maintain relations, but “we do not supply weapons to Russia.”

“We are committed to strengthening relations with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan.” – he added.

The Iranian president said he had sent an invitation to the prince. Mohammed bin SalmanCrown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia to visit Iran

According to the Iranian president, unity among Islamic countries “will deprive Israel of the courage to attack and kill.”

Regarding relations with Egypt and the possibility of opening embassies in the two countries, Pezeshkian said that Tehran wants to improve relations with Cairo.

At the same time, he described Egypt as a “friendly, brotherly and Muslim country,” adding:

“We will maintain contact with officials, ministers and the Egyptian president, God willing, we will be able to do so. We will be as welcoming as possible and work to build relationships.”

Regarding relations with Turkey and the two countries’ efforts to increase trade exchanges to $30 billion, Pezeshkian said Turkey is “our friend and our good neighborly relations are a priority for us.”

Echoing what he raised during his visit to Iraq last week about the idea of ​​removing borders between Islamic countries along EU lines, Pezeshkian said:

“When we can travel freely, it will mean maintaining our security, expanding the economy, culture and market.”

Pezeshkian denied claims that ballistic missiles had been supplied to the Houthi group in Yemen after they said they had received “hypersonic” missiles.

“If it took a week for someone from Iran to reach Yemen, how was the missile sent there? However, our common grievances with Ansar Allah and Israel are just and we oppose the genocide they are committing.” – said.

Overall, the ideas, plans and initiatives expressed by Masoud Pezeshkian are innovative and indicate the new president’s desire to present Iran to the world in a different and more open way. Some of these intentions are unlikely to be put into practice, such as the desire to break down borders in the Islamic world, which is rather romantic and pan-Islamic and will obviously encounter specific interests and restrictions from individual countries, such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

It is also obvious that Pezeshkian’s good intentions will largely depend on the internal political situation inside Iran, in which, as we know, the final say lies with the Supreme Leader and his clerical entourage, as well as the position of the powerful IRGC.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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