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HomeBreaking NewsElle Macpherson reveals she has breast cancer and refuses chemotherapy treatment

Elle Macpherson reveals she has breast cancer and refuses chemotherapy treatment

Elle Macpherson (60 years old) is suffering from a serious health problem which he is speaking about for the first time. The model, known as The bodysuffers breast cancer.

The Australian revealed this in an interview with Australian Women’s Weeklyregarding the launch of his new book of the same name, She. “It was a shock, it was unexpected, it was confusing, it was discouraging in many ways.“, recalled Macpherson, who was diagnosed seven years ago.

Then, up to 32 specialists recommended that she undergo chemotherapy treatment and undergo a mastectomy. However, the model opposed any pharmaceutical products and opted for a “holistic approach”. “I realized I was going to need my own truth, my own belief system to carry me through all of this. And that’s what I did,” he revealed.

“It was a wonderful exercise in being true to myself, trusting myself and trusting the nature of my body and the course of action that I had chosen,” Elle Macpherson told The Australian.there was nothing certain or guaranteed“, so she decided to choose what she considered “right.”

In her book, the model also shares the details of the process. Although she decided to trust her instincts, she confessed that it was “the hardest thing” she has ever done in her life. “But saying no to my own inner sense would have been even more difficult“, she expressed. “People thought she was crazy,” the model added.

It all started when He underwent a lumpectomy after a check-up where a lump was detected in his chest.The news was worse: they discovered an intraductal carcinoma of HER2-positive estrogen receptors that tends to spread quickly.

Seven years later and after being under the observation of his family doctor, a naturopath, a holistic dentist, an osteopath, a chiropractor and two therapists, is in remission. “I would say I’m doing absolutely fine. And I am!” he exclaimed during his conversation with Australian Women’s Weekly.

Elle Macpherson on the streets of New York. Image from 2018.


She claims to be in “clinical remission,” but she speaks of “absolute well-being.” “From every point of view, from every blood test, every scan, every imaging test… but also from an emotional, spiritual and mental point of view, not just physical. It’s not just about what your blood tests say, it’s also about how and why you live. your life on every level,” he said.

Before this diagnosis in 2013, Elle Macpherson I had already had a cancer scare after a benign lump was discovered in her breast. “I was lucky: it was a fibroadenoma, but it was a big warning. I did some soul searching and realized that maybe I was taking the wrong vitamins and minerals and not eating properly,” she said at the time. The model was 49 at the time.

She, by Elle MacPherson It was revealed this Tuesday, September 3. Throughout the text, the Australian also evokes other difficult moments in her life, such as her alcohol addiction and how he hasn’t tasted a drop of alcohol in over 20 years.




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