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emails to various media before the prosecution’s denial

The confession email of Alberto González Amador, associate of Ayuso, in which he admits to two tax crimes and for which the state attorney general has been indicted, is not the first communication that has appeared between the lawyers of the commissioner and the public prosecutor. published in the press. Hours before La Cadena Ser released the email showing that the compliance agreement came from González Amador’s defense, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, Díaz Ayuso’s chief of staff, sent messages from his personal phone to different media with another of the emails exchanged by the prosecutor in the case, Julián Salto, and the commissionaire’s defense. Rodríguez first sent the message to the El Mundo journalist, then forwarded it via WhatsApp to other media outlets such as Libertad Digital, El Debate and Vozpópuli.

The text sent by the Madrid president’s chief of staff on the night of March 13, a day after discovered González Amador’s tax fraud, is titled as follows: “Look at the reality of the email sent by the González Amador’s lawyer. .” Rodríguez then reproduces the email that the prosecutor in the Julián Salto case sent on March 12, 2024 to González Amador’s defense. And finally Rodríguez tries to show that it is the prosecutor in charge of the case who proposed an agreement in accordance with the commissionaire’s defense and that it is the prosecutor himself who withdraws the agreement by “orders from above “. “Everything is dirty,” Rodríguez’s message ends.

The WhatsApp that Rodríguez sent to various media with part of the conversation between the defense of Ayuso’s partner and the prosecutor who denounced him for Treasury fraud.

The first media to publish this unverified message is the newspaper El Mundo, which in its first information headlines: “The prosecution offers Ayuso’s partner an agreement to recognize two tax offenses”. The subtitle of this first news story read: “He made his proposal to Alberto González two hours after the affair began.”

This is false information which hides that the offer of agreement to plead guilty had been sent by the defense of Ayuso’s partner to the prosecutor and not the other way around. And that he had done it on February 2, 2024, five weeks before the publication of, and not two hours later.

As soon as this news was published, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez published a tweet accusing the leaders of the prosecution of having ended this agreement.

Other newspapers like Libertad Digital, El Debate and Vozpópuli headlined not only that the agreement came from the prosecutor, but also that it had been withdrawn “on orders from above”, as sent to them by the chief of staff from Ayuso and without any response. contrast.

All this false information motivated a press release from the prosecution which, after collecting all the information, detailed the chronology of the case with dates and measures taken by the public prosecutor. Following this statement, Ayuso’s associate and the Madrid Bar Association filed a complaint for revealing secrets. They argued that the account of events published by the Public Prosecutor’s Office violated the right of defense, a thesis supported by the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid, which sent a reasoned declaration to the Supreme Court to investigate the Attorney General, Álvaro Garcia. Ortiz, who was responsible for the press release from the start.

The Supreme Court opened an investigation against the attorney general on Wednesday, not because of the press release, but to determine whether it was the state attorney general who leaked the email in which González Amador assumed his guilt and which he published in the early morning. from March 13, first Cadena Ser and, later, other media, including

The email was transmitted on February 2, 2024, five weeks before the first publication of, to a generic address of the Madrid Public Prosecutor’s Office to which 18 people, 14 prosecutors and four officials, have access. The Ayuso couple’s lawyers tried to find a compromise by accepting a sentence of eight months in prison and payment of the 350,000 euros defrauded plus the fine and interest, in exchange for a sentence not involving imprisonment and by avoiding a trial in which experts, before men and technicians from the Treasury, paraded.

This email is the one that opened the negotiation between González Amador’s lawyers and the prosecutor in charge of the case, but it is not the first that was published in the media. The first communication that was revealed was the response of the prosecutor in charge of the case to this offer presented by El Mundo, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez and other media to which it was disclosed, as proof that the prosecution was proposing a deal to the partner of Ayuso. just two hours after discovered his fraud. False information.

In the conservative press, the hoax has had varying degrees. The first media to publish it, El Mundo, only assumed, like Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, that the offer came from the prosecutor’s office. Libertad Digital, El Debate and Vozpópuli went further and also picked up the story of Ayuso’s chief of staff who said the pact was stopped by “orders from above.”

Instructions that did not exist, according to sources consulted by, who recall that the Public Prosecutor’s Office and González Amador have already reached an agreement for Ayuso’s partner to assume two crimes of tax fraud, one of falsification of documents and the famous prison sentence, in addition to the payment of the fine. This agreement could not be ratified at the moment before the judge because the popular accusations made by Más Madrid and the PSOE requested that the investigation be extended to Ayuso’s partner for other crimes linked to his links with the Quirón health group, one of the main contractors. . of the Community of Madrid and whose director Fernando Camino played a key role in the two million commission that González Amador received for the sale of masks.

Without this expansion of crimes proposed by the PSOE and Más Madrid, the conviction for these three crimes would have already been ratified by the court. Despite this, the leaker of the first email and promoter of false information, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, insisted on his hoax this Thursday, after admitting to having leaked the email himself.

Unlike the state attorney general, Ayuso’s chief of staff is not under investigation since no one has reported him for revealing secrets. The only aggrieved person who has the capacity to do so, besides Ayuso’s partner, is the prosecutor in charge of the case, whose email was released and manipulated by Díaz Ayuso’s “right hand man.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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