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HomeLatest NewsEmilio Aragón's businesses and the fortune he amassed

Emilio Aragón’s businesses and the fortune he amassed

The name of Emilio Aragon It is synonymous with success and everyone knows it. For decades, the comedian, actor, producer and director has been at the heart of Spanish entertainment. That is why he has won the affection of several generations of viewers. However, his presence in the business world has been equally significant, consolidating a fortune that today positions him as one of the most successful figures of his generation. But, How much is his fortune?

To his 65 years oldEmilio Aragón has achieved an enviable economic stability, well beyond the screens where his popularity was forged. Although his television career remains one of his most visible achievements, recent years have shown that Aragón’s true success lies in his businesses, where has accumulated a considerable fortuneA renowned magazine highlights the lesser-known aspects of his financial career.

Aragon’s television career started in the years 80s and 90swhen he became a fundamental figure in family comedy. His most emblematic work is perhaps the children’s program that made him popular with the little ones, where he performed songs that have remained etched in the collective memory, such as “Susanita has a mouse”. However, he was not content with being a familiar face on screen. He quickly demonstrated his versatility by diversifying his activities into content production and directing.

The big step came with the creation of Globomedia, one of the most influential production companies in Spanish television. Globomedia is behind series that have defined national fiction, such as “Family Doctor”, “Siete Vidas”, “Compañeros” and “Los Serrano”, among others. These productions have not only attracted the attention of millions of viewers, but have also generated significant income that has consolidated Aragon’s reputation not only as an artist, but also as a competent businessman.

The aforementioned production company marked a before and after in Emilio’s career. It was a vehicle of expansion for his talent, but it also became an important source of income. In 2015, he made the decision to sell the company, after years of success.This strategic decision has allowed Aragon to free up time and energy to explore new areas, although the sale of Globomedia has undoubtedly also been a smart financial approach which considerably increased his assets.

The artist’s entrepreneurial ability did not stop at television. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to get involved in other sectors, some as far removed from entertainment as oenology. In 2000, he became a partner in the company Bodegas Martué La Guardia SAa winery that has stood out in the wine market for over a decade. Although it stopped this activity in 2015, the winery generated assets exceeding 11 million euros, another example of your ability to identify profitable opportunities out of your comfort zone.

The lesser-known side of Emlio Aragón

Emilio Aragón’s foray into the world of wine was not just a hobby or any kind of investment. Managing a wine estate requires in-depth knowledge of the agricultural sector and a good business sense. Even though this stage is behind him, his success in this field reinforces his profile as a multifaceted businessman.

One of the current pillars of Emilio Aragón’s business empire is Caribe Music SA, a company founded in 1988 in which he collaborates closely with his wife, Aruca Fernandez-Vega FeijooAlthough initially focused on musical and audiovisual projects, Caribe Music has expanded its activities into the purchase and sale of real estate, diversifying its portfolio and generating large profits.

Your foray into the world of real estate

The real estate sector has been particularly fruitful for Aragon. Last year, Caribe Music reported total assets of 105 million euros, with a turnover of 47 million. These impressive numbers show Aragon’s ability successfully navigate different economic sectors, from entertainment to real estate, consolidating a fortune that continues to grow.

This real estate-oriented project is another example of its strategic visionwho did not limit himself to a single industry. While other artists are content to stay in their comfort zone, Emilio Aragón has proven that diversification is the key to lasting success. The successful management of Caribe Music This has enabled him to build a solid business network that ensures long-term financial stability.

Although Emilio Aragón has preferred to stay out of the spotlight in recent years, his influence and presence are still palpable both on television and in the business world. The wedding of his youngest son, Nacho, recently celebrated in Mallorca, made headlines. The best part? That the young man has inherited his father’s talent and already owns two businesses: a restaurant and a clothing company.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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