On a trip to Belgrade on Thursday 29 August, the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, was questioned about granting French nationality to the CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, in 2021. A choice that“to fully assume” head of state, he explained on Thursday evening, while the head of the courier service was charged on Wednesday in France with twelve crimes, in particular acts of “complicity” Laundering or dissemination of child pornography images.
Durov – and his Telegram app – is particularly criticised for his lack of cooperation with judicial authorities, especially in cases of organised crime or even child pornography.
For the French president, this decision of naturalization – which was taken within the framework of the procedure called “foreign emeritus” –, “It was adopted in a fully assumed strategy, to allow women and men, (…) When they make the effort to learn the French language and develop wealth, innovation, shine in the world, when they ask, they will be given French nationality.”he explained.
According to information from Worldmm. Macron and Durov had also met several times before the Telegram CEO obtained the French passport. This request for French nationality was sent by Durov after a lunch with the President of the Republic that took place in 2018, as confirmed by Macron’s entourage to the French media. World.
Macron says he was unaware of Telegram CEO’s arrival
Telegram explained in 2023 that Mr. Durov had made this request as “ A great admirer of French culture and history, he was very encouraged by the political changes implemented since the election of President [Emmanuel] Macron, in 2017.” The Head of State recalled having done it also for “actors, athletes”and to Snapchat founder and CEO Evan Spiegel in September 2018. “I think it is good for our country, I will continue doing it”said.
Furthermore, during this same press conference, Macron denied having carried out “any invitation”Mr Durov, saying he was unaware of the Franco-Russian billionaire’s arrival in France.
His arrest on Saturday evening at Le Bourget airport (Seine-Saint-Denis) came a month and a half after the opening of a judicial investigation into twelve charges of prevention, most of which related to organised crime. Before landing at Le Bourget, Durov did not know that he was the subject of an arrest warrant, a judicial source confirmed to the Reuters agency.