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HomeEntertainment NewsEnd of the wait, soon, for a million people

End of the wait, soon, for a million people

For around a million retirees, the September pension will have a Christmas flavour. In fact, it will exceed, sometimes by several hundred euros, what is normally received, due to the late implementation of a promise from the 2023 reform: to revalue small pensions, to “those who have contributed their entire lives with incomes around the minimum wage” (according to the formula of former Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne). This was the social counterpart of the reduction of the retirement age to 64 years. A maximum increase of 100 gross euros per month has been implemented.

For new retirees, the measure was applied on 1Ahem September 2023, when the reform will come into force. Technically, it took the form of an increase in the minimum contributory amount, a complex system that is included in the calculation of the basic pension for the private sector (excluding liberal professions).

a deadline

For those already retired, it was more complex. While some of them – around 600,000, with the simplest applications – saw their pensions increased from autumn 2023, many others are still waiting.

It took time to determine the beneficiaries and calculate the increase, particularly to reconstitute certain careers, explained the Pension Insurance, which manages the basic pension for employees, merchants and artisans, the only plan affected by this increase, called “majex”. However, the reform provided for a payment period, 1Ahem September 2024.

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The pension paid this month will be doubly appreciated by eligible retirees.

On the one hand, because the Majex will be applied for the first time and then renewed every month and revalued on the 1st.Ahem January, like the pension.

On the other hand, because the regime will use the twelve months of the increase not received, as a recovery. An example: if you are entitled to a 50 euro majex, you will receive 674.30 euros gross more than in August (50 euros per month during the last four months of 2023, 52.70 euros during the first nine months of 2024).

Full fare required

The September pension payment will be made, as usual, on October 9. Except for pensioners from the Alsace-Moselle regional fund, for whom the September pension payment is made, as usual, on September 2.

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You may be affected by the exceptional increase if your pension was calculated at the full rate, i.e. without reduction (this may be the case because you had the required number of quarters for its generation, because you were at the age of full-rate automatic insurance when you left, or because you obtained the full rate thanks to an exemption system). Another condition: having contributed at least 120 quarters to all the combined plans (be careful, not all the validated quarters are necessarily contributed, calculating the pension is a complicated matter).

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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