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HomeTop StoriesEngland and Wales ban anti-abortion protests within 150 metres of clinics

England and Wales ban anti-abortion protests within 150 metres of clinics

Women who go to a clinic for terminate your pregnancy They will no longer be harassed in England and Wales. Since next October 31st Protection zones will be established around abortion clinics and those who harass and intimidate women who go there will be penalized. According to the law, approved in May 2023 and about to come into force, anyone wishing to protest against abortion will have to do so more than 150 meters from the clinics.

This rule expressly prohibits distribution of leaflets, banners and any form of protest within these demarcated areas and anyone who does not respect it will be faced with “unlimited fines“, as well as criminal charges. The Constitutional Court supported this measure to punish harassment in front of abortion clinics with prison in order to protect the women who go there and their workers.

Jess Phillips, Secretary of State for Protection and Violence Against Women and Girls, said: “Access to abortion services is a fundamental right and no one should feel unsafe when trying to access it.We will not stand idly by and tolerating harassment, abuse and intimidation when people exercise their legal right to health care,” he added.




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