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HomeLatest NewsEnrique Ponce says goodbye to Madrid by the Puerta Grande

Enrique Ponce says goodbye to Madrid by the Puerta Grande

Enrique Ponce This afternoon he played his last afternoon as a matador in Sales. After almost 60 passes in the Madrid arena, he said goodbye after having four Puertas Grandes behind him (1992, 1997, 2002 and 2017). The Chiva maestro is part of the history of bullfighting, he has long been a figure of the rank, he has fought in every arena, he has met every challenge and since he chose the alternative in 1990, he never lost his character status. Among his many successes in these arenas, the task that most marked his history as a bullfighter was the bull. dormouse from Valdefresno in 1996. For Ponce, it was a before and after in his career.

This special afternoon he walked with David Galván and Samuel Navalón, who confirmed the alternative. They were fighting bulls from the ranch of Juan Pedro Domeq and Garcigrande.

Ponce said goodbye to Las Ventas while crossing the Puerta Grande after a big job in the afternoon shift. Galván left great moments and Navalón cut an ear of great merit after an important afternoon.

Opening of Samuel Navalón Square to portagayola to receive the first bull of the afternoon, very serious, from Garcigrande. After he was successful, he continued with the Veronica stockings, finishing with a very long stocking. It was difficult with the banderillas. After confirming an alternative for Enrique Ponce, Navalón continued to try to show up for both pitons, but that didn’t give him many options to show up. The bull was quite complicated and with little depth. After a puncture, he ends with a good split. He received a standing ovation.

Ponce continued. before a second very well presented bull which he received with very tasteful Veronica stockings, which earned him applause from the public. In the third of the rods the bull broke his left piton and despite public protests the president did not accept the request for his return. Ponce began the task with the crutch very low. The bull did not give the Valencian many options and he decided to shorten the task. He finished with a split after a puncture.

David Galvan He faces a third very serious bull from Garcigrande, which he receives with a group of speedwells. Galván did an excellent job starting with the statuary, continuing with the trenches that penetrated the lines. He followed up with a good series of naturals. He took full advantage of the animal’s condition and squeezed everything he could out of it. It was a shame he didn’t use the right steels. He received a loud ovation.

He received Véronique Enrique Ponce on afternoon shift. Behind the horse it was excellent work, very careful from start to finish. He left big blows while fighting very slowly. He continues the bullfights around the poncinas with changes of hands. He finished with a bang and received two ears. The audience was very engaged with Enrique Ponce on his last afternoon in Las Ventas.

He fifth for David Galván He was a very serious animal whom he greeted with half a Veronica. After riding the horse, he left a very well-structured task. Several sets of very neat muletazos stood out but that didn’t give him many more options. He decided to shorten it and finished with a half slit.

Samuel Navalón closed in the afternoon before a very well presented sixth which he received from Veronica. The horse did not do well and started the task on the left peak. He suffered a brief somersault while performing a natural jump, but was unhurt. He continued to fight for the two peaks, getting closer and closer. He finished with a big push and was rewarded with an earful.

Celebration file:

Las Ventas Bullring, Madrid. Premiere of the Autumn Fair 2024. Bulls of Garcigrande and Juan Pedro Domecq.

Enrique Ponce: silence and two ears.
David Galvan: ovation and silence.
Samuel Navalon: ovation and ear.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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