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Epidemiologists applaud the possible return of masks on public transport or in “supermarkets”

Masks could once again be very present in Spain. The Ministry of Health advises carrying these utensils throughout the flu and respiratory virus season but also values possibility that its use will again be compulsory in health centers in scenarios where transmission is very high. It will be the communities who will ultimately decide whether this is imposed in these places or recommended in others with high footfall such as supermarkets, theaters, cinemas or public transport.

This appears in the draft measures for the prevention and control of respiratory diseases which will be presented this Thursday to the autonomous communities at the Public Health Commission. The objective is none other than “to guarantee coordination between territories, that each community or autonomous city finds itself in a different risk scenario or that it implements as many complementary measures as it deems appropriate”.

The document proposes four fundamental transmission scenariosnumbered from 0 to 3, the latter being the one presenting the highest risk, or even the “pandemic” risk.

In scenario 2, Health evaluates the “compulsory general nature of the mask” in health centers and recommends its use in supermarkets, public transport and closed spaces such as cinemas, theaters, concert halls, gymnasiums and dance halls. “Courtesy visits may be restricted, always assessing the emotional impact this may have on the most vulnerable people and minimizing restrictions in these cases,” the document states.

Likewise, once scenario 3 is reached, in addition to the previous measures, the adoption of “additional and exceptional actions that will be implemented in accordance with specific regulations” could be considered. The document also envisages that each community “may implement as many additional measures as it deems appropriate” depending on its situation.

In any case, regardless of the scenario we find ourselves in, Health recommends the use of a mask to all people with respiratory symptoms who go to any space. Also recommends wearing a mask, both for health personnel and for patients and companions who go to health centersand recommends authorizing teleworking to people infected or presenting symptoms compatible with acute infections.

Public health experts consulted by EL ESPAÑOL enthusiastically welcome the recommendation (and indication) of the mask in health centers, hospitals and retirement homes. They also do it for public places and crowds, of course, with nuances.

“The approach of the Ministry of Health is entirely sensible and consistent with the epidemiological situation,” he says. Daniel Lopez Acuñaformer director of health action in crises at WHO and associate professor at the Andalusian School of Public Health.

“The strategy proposed due to the evolution of acute respiratory infections (mainly flu, Covid and RSV) and the use of masks as a means of protection against contagion in closed health and social environments is a measure that arrives in time , This is the right thing to do and will not only avoid saturation of health centers and hospitals, but also reduce infections.“.

Regarding non-sanitary environments where this could be recommended, this again coincides with what is indicated in the document that Health brings to the communities.

“In any place where there is a large concentration of people and close interaction between them – and where there are not necessarily other protective measures – it is important that individual use of masks is encouraged.”

López Acuña emphasizes that this measure must be accompanied by vaccination against influenza and Covid (and against RSV) in these risk groups.

For his part, Joan Carles Marsprofessor at the Andalusian School of Public Health, maintains that the mask is a “necessary” measure in hospitals and health centers. “This will undoubtedly help reduce infections.”

In this regard, let us remember that the mask should not be considered as a negative element “but rather protective, and even more so at a time when the epidemiological situation can gradually worsen” such as winter.

He highlights how positive it is that professionals, patients and their caregivers are using it, and also breaks the spear in favor of other non-pharmacological measures that have been proposed and that, sometimes, seem to have been forgotten, including hand hygiene.

“The mask is undoubtedly a very important element, but Hand washing should be encouraged as this will help stop infections“.

Beyond healthcare facilities and residences, March observes how mask-wearing is positive for workers who have close contact with many people, “like supermarket cashiers. It’s a measure of a great interest.”

Where you may not consider it necessary is in other types of establishments like cinemas or theaters. Even though these are closed places, “people are calm, seated and there is probably not a lot of virus transmission activity.”

But he adds that this should not be ruled out. “If they studied it, they will evaluate it and I suspect it will be useful.”




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