Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 8:57 am
HomeBreaking Newsequals monthly record with 19.2M and exceeds daily audience record with 2.9M

equals monthly record with 19.2M and exceeds daily audience record with 2.9M

SPANISH remains unbeatable. August was the thirteenth consecutive month in which this newspaper closed its doors undisputed leader of the press Spanish. He reached the 19.23 million unique userswhich equals its best month on GfK DAM and manages to break the record for average daily audience with 2.90 million followers.

The meter data, recognized by the entire press and advertising, testify to the strength of the project led by Pedro J. Ramirez. Over the past month, this newspaper has carried out a distance of 2.82 million followers from ABC, its most immediate competitor.

The third position in the ranking is for The worldwhich has reached 15.90 million unique users. In other words, it is 3.32 million followers behind EL ESPAÑOL. For its part, The avant-gardereached 15.8 million unique users.

Customized data table with the brands of the EL ESPAÑOL contest. Publication of data from August 2024.


August was a month in which the news was marked by sport, with the celebration of the Olympic Games, the inauguration of Salvador Illa and the come back and escape from Carles Puigdemont to Catalonia, among others.

Milestones reached by this newspaper become an informative reference for press readers. Thus, the average daily audience reaches 2.90 million unique users. That is to say, every day, this is the number of readers that EL ESPAÑOL has in its pages.

Customized data table with the brands of the EL ESPAÑOL contest. Publication of data from August 2024.


This 2.90 million represents 398,000 more than what he has The Huffington Post or 557,000 more than those achieved by ABC during the month of August. Average daily audience is a particularly relevant metric, as it shows readers’ loyalty to their media.

The 13 consecutive months of leadership mean a step never seen before in the European quality press. Especially because it is being produced without the support of a printed edition and while EL ESPAÑOL is about to celebrate its first nine years of existence.

In addition, Pedro J. Ramirez’s journal also confirms his position as a leader in digital native before The confidential which reached 13.63 million followers.

GfK DAM results show the success of this newspaper’s strategy. A commitment to quality content, new stories and new forms of visualization adapted to the mobile environment.

Its growth formula has also been successful in the different autonomies. Thus, SPANISH is already a leader in 14 of the 17 autonomous communities. The data obtained in Catalonia, where this newspaper is operating, are particularly relevant. The avant-garde and becomes a leader.




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