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ERC criticizes Junts for aligning with PP and Vox in the law on seasonal rentals and presenting themselves as the “saviors of Catalonia”

The Republican Left (ERC) fears that Junts will end up adopting the idea of “The worst will be the best for Catalonia” and warned him that it would be “a mistake of the first order”align on economic issues with PP and Voxas they did last Tuesday when they annulled the seasonal rental law in Congress, and at the same time they wanted to appear as the “saviours of Catalonia”. This was warned by the ERC deputy in Congress, Pilar Vallugera, in an interview with the programme ‘Parlamento’ on Radio Nacional de España in which she analyses the sudden change in the vote of Míriam Nogueras’ party last Tuesday in plenary.

The pro-independence MP recalls that Junts, “Economically and ideologically speaking, it is a right-wing party”but that the national political scene, where Vox and PP defend “much more radical positions” than them, is forced to appear a little more moderate. “If something prevents them from doing right-wing politics, it is clearly the most national sphere that has aligned them with the PSOE,” he explains.

“The worst will be the best for Catalonia”

But in Esquerra, they consider that this dynamic could end up breaking, especially if, as they suspect, Junts “wants to create an upheaval”. “It is possible that they think that the worst will be the best for our nation, for Catalonia. It is possible that they propose that, on an economic level, Their elites are demanding a different economic policy from them and that, on the other hand, at the national level, the right-wing parties, so centralist, so Hispanist, can make them appear as the saviours of the Catalan nation,” Vallugera explains.

For the Republican representative, this strategy would be “a mistake of the first order” because it would amount to putting “people’s lives at the service of all this.” And it is that, for ERC, the deployment of policies that contribute to “alleviating the hardness and instability of the lives of the majority of people” is “consubstantial with the liberation” of Cataloniawhile right-wing economic policies are “harmful” to everyone.

That is why he also believes that Junts was wrong to choose the law on temporary regulation of rents to demonstrate once again the importance of their vote in Congress. According to Vallugera, everyone already knows that “they can condition the legislative power” and it was a “mistake” to point it out.playing with people’s ability to access housing or not.”

They chose a topic that irritates people

They were seriously wrong because it is an issue that creates a lot of irritation, creates a lot of anxiety, creates a lot of fear and creates a lot of instability and so people, at least in the streets of Barcelona, ​​have reacted,” says Vallugera. The ERC MP, who spoke in this debate, has already shown on the podium his surprise that Junts was not going to oppose the development of a standard that he had rejected in Catalonia. “They announced an abstention, assuming that it would not work (…) and when. “They saw at the last moment that the vote was leaning towards yes, they changed the vote and turned it into no,” laments the MP.

“But hey, if you, as a political force, are clearly against a provision, you vote against it. If you are for it, you vote for it. In any caseabstention is a position I don’t see very wellbut I’m not going to oppose it either. But they’ve made it clear that they’re opposed to it,” he said.




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