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HomeLatest NewsERC forces Parliament to vote again on Felipe VI

ERC forces Parliament to vote again on Felipe VI

The time of confrontation between Catalan institutions and the State is over, as Salvador Illa proclaims. But ERC responds: not so fast. The Republicans presented once again in the debate at the beginning of the year a proposed resolution which demands that the government not normalize relations with the Royal House, but which also introduces severe censorship against the king and the institution monarchical. The proposal will be debated and voted on, but is unlikely to succeed due to the new composition of the House.

If the proposal is approved, Parliament would confirm “the need not to normalize the institutional relations of Catalonia with the Royal House, given the broad rejection that the Spanish monarchy arouses in Catalan society, which does not recognize the king, and based mainly on the defense of a State in the form of a Republic without privileges or anachronistic institutions inherited from Francoism, and in the partial role of Felipe VI on October 3, 2017, when he granted protection to a police repression and judicial system in an advanced democracy”, according to the text presented by ERC.

In this way, the Republicans are forcing Parliament to reposition itself on the monarchy, after the judgments of the Constitutional Court which refused to allow the Catalan Chamber to be able to debate and vote on these issues. In the phase preceding its renewal, the High Court was very belligerent against resolutions that disapproved or censored King Felipe VI, however declarative they were, and even sent warnings to members of the Council warning them against criminal liability that they could incur. if they did not paralyze these initiatives.

With the change of legislature and the renewal of the Council of Parliament, these warnings are no longer in force, so nothing prevents the governing body of the Chamber, even with a pro-independence majority, from admitting them for treatment. However, it is likely that the resolution will not succeed because the PSC, the PP and VOX, parties usually opposed to censorship of the monarchy, have an absolute majority.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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