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ERC historians like Forcadell, Puigcercós and Ridao show support for Junqueras’ rival candidacy

Nova Esquerra Nacional, Oriol Junqueras’ rival candidacy for the Congress that Esquerra will hold at the end of November, presents itself as the platform for renewal, but also as the one favored by many big names in the party. This Thursday, the candidacy which aims to elevate Xavier Godàs to the presidency of ERC and Alba Camps to the secretary general brought together in Barcelona a dozen historical activists who have been leaders of ERC at different stages, such as the former president of Parliament . Carme Forcadell, the former councilor Dolors Bassa, the former councilor Joan Puigcercós or the former secretary general of the party Joan Ridao.

“We support the candidacy of Nova Esquerra Nacional because we believe that a renewal of the leadership is now necessary to find the political pulse of the party and, after the congress, unify it,” said Puigcercós, who served as party spokesperson. word of the group.

The former leader, who recalled that he has had the ERC card for 37 years, attacked “unipersonal and messianic” leadership which, according to him, occurs “when there is no program or strategy”. A veiled allusion to Oriol Junqueras, who opposed the project represented by Godàs and Camps, which, according to him, guarantee a “republican” leadership of the party.

Alongside Puigcercós and those already mentioned, other representatives of the old guard of Esquerra gathered, such as Marta Cid, Josep Huguet, Manel Balcells, Joan Manel Tresserras, Meritxell Serret, Pau Ricomà, Marina Llansana, Francesc Codina, Agustí Cerdà and Anna. Simó. “All of us who are here have had responsibilities within the government or the party and we have given our support to the Junqueras-Rovira tandem,” Puigcercós said.

However, the old guard considers that this cycle has already ended and that Junqueras should step down. “We ask Oriol Junqueras to reflect in the weeks remaining before the congress to guarantee a peaceful change within the party,” Puigcercós said. The objective, he assured, is that after the conclave the formation emerges “more coherent, not less”. “We ask everyone to think about the game,” he insisted.

A statement that Godàs took advantage of to show his commitment to the ERC whatever happens on November 30. “We came out to win the congress, but we believe that no one is superfluous, everyone must stay here,” said the candidate for head of Esquerra. “All those who have been important must continue to be so,” he added, because “the party must be able to rebuild its assets.”

Nova Esquerra Nacional’s candidacy is best placed to compete with Militancia Decidim, the platform with which Junqueras intends to regain leadership of the party. Godàs and Camps are sponsored by the outgoing leadership led by Marta Rovira and have also received in recent weeks the support of most of Father Aragonès’ government.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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