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HomeTop StoriesEuropean Parliament recognises Edmundo González as 'legitimate president' of Venezuela

European Parliament recognises Edmundo González as ‘legitimate president’ of Venezuela

This Thursday, the European Parliament recognized opposition leader Edmundo González Urrutia as “the legitimate and democratically elected president of Venezuela”in a non-binding text that followed the “yes” votes of the European People’s Party, the ultraconservatives and the far right.

The resolution, approved with 309 votes for, 201 against and 12 abstentions, It also recognizes María Corina Machado as the leader of the democratic forces in Venezuela and calls on the European Union and its member states – which have foreign policy competences – to join in recognizing González.

This text places the European Parliament at the forefront of the recognition of Edmundo González as “legitimate and democratically elected president of Venezuela” and of María Corina Machado. “as leader of the democratic forces in Venezuela.”

The European Parliament urges all Member States of the European Union to take the same action and recognise to the veteran diplomat as Venezuelan president, demanding that they “do everything possible” to ensure he takes office on January 10, 2025.

It also calls on regional actors to exercise “all possible pressures” on the regime of Nicolas Maduro to accept the democratic will of the Venezuelan people and warns of a possible “new migratory exodus” if there is not a peaceful transfer of power and the restoration of democracy.

Arrest warrant for Maduro

The resolution adopted by the right-wing groups calls on the EU and its member states to demand an international arrest warrant against Maduro “for crimes against humanity for all serious violations of human rights committed”, thus taking up the demand of the EPP.

Regarding the EU’s policy towards Caracas, let us recall that the easing of certain sanctions last May with a view to improving the electoral climate “has not produced any positive effect”, which is why it insists redouble sanctions and add to the “black list” to members of the CNE as well as expanding restrictions to sanction Maduro and his entourage, including the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez.

At every moment, the text expresses its “firm condemnation” of the “electoral fraud orchestrated by the CNE” and denounces not having made public the minutes proving the electoral result despite international pressure. The CNE declared Maduro the winner without presenting any evidence to prove the result.

This also echoes the fact that international election observation missions have stressed that the July 28 presidential elections did not comply with international norms and standards and that the UN group of experts gave “reliability” to the sample of revised electoral files and published by the opposition.




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