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HomeTop StoriesEvery year, 20,000 deaths are recorded due to the consumption of this...

Every year, 20,000 deaths are recorded due to the consumption of this traditional dish.

In recent years, Thailand has become a very attractive destination for thousands of Asian tourists who come to the country to enjoy both its heavenly beaches and its many traditions. However, there is also within its borders a very popular gastronomic tradition that can be deadly. It is a typical dish of the Isan region, in the southeast of Thailand.

Year after year, many people curious about gastronomy want to discover the country’s audacity when it comes to preparing their meals with unusual flavors and all kinds of ingredients, There are many dishes that contain insects such as grasshoppers, crickets, beetle larvae, red ants and their eggs, and even snakes prepared in a certain way.

Specifically, it was koi pla, typical of this region of Isan, that sounded the alarm. It is a raw fish salad, generally made from freshwater fish from the Mekong, characterized by its strong and spicy flavor.The controversy erupted when international media outlets such as The Guardian and The Evening Edition reported that this had been declared the cause of death of thousands of people, because the fish used for this preparation comes from a river where deadly parasites abound.

What is the parasite that kills thousands of people every year?

It is common that, given that it is a product consumed in the most rural and poorest areas, sweet fish is infected with the liver fluke, also known as Fasciola hepatica, a parasite that causes a disease called fascioliasis. This flatworm is one of the most common trematodes that infects the liver of mammals, including humans.

Once ingested, the parasites travel to the liver, where they settle in the bile ducts to lay their eggs and can remain undetected for years. In fact, when adult parasites establish themselves in the bile ducts, they can cause blockage, chronic liver inflammation, jaundice, and in severe cases, a deadly bile duct cancer called cholangiocarcinoma. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the global number of infected people stands at more than 2.4 million.similar to figures reported in previous years. The disease affects more than 75 countries, with particular risk in regions of Africa, Asia and Latin America, where environmental conditions facilitate the parasite’s life.

Isan province is one of the most affected by this parasite, which causes one of the cancers with the lowest survival rate in the absence of surgery. Despite the action of health authorities and various NGOs, which warn tourists and residents not to consume raw fish, The statistics do not seem to be decreasing because locals consider this dish as part of their ancestral culinary tradition and some speak of koi pla as part of destiny, so they believe that their faith will protect them.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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