Monday, September 23, 2024 - 8:01 pm
HomeBreaking News"Everyone's affairs are decided by everyone"

“Everyone’s affairs are decided by everyone”

The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has mobilized his territorial barons and the National Executive of the party to reject once again the single financing plan for Catalonia agreed between the PSC and the ERC, which he calls the “Catalan quota”. The argument defended by the popular party is, the president affirms, to bet on multilateralism (among all) to negotiate regional financing.

“What belongs to each one is decided by everyone, from there, they will not move us, it is our principle and our commitment,” Feijóo assured his team this Monday, as they left the stadium. National Executive Committee of the PP. This meeting, the second in just two months, aimed to establish positions on the regional financing model.

Feijóo had already denounced this Sunday that Sánchez intended to “break” the ideas of the PP presidents on this issue, trying to divide them. The idea of ​​the PSOE, in this case, is to “open the debate” so that other communities can benefit from a different financing model.

“But they have come up against a wall very different from theirs and it is difficult for them to understand it. They have come up against a wall of principles that the PP will never abandon,” Feijóo said, alluding to a closing of ranks in his party’s barons. “They only have to come after us, come after me. Neither with insults nor with humiliations not even with bribes They’re going to get it. “They’re not going to intimidate my party or intimidate me.”

The government president considers Sánchez a “hamster at the wheel”, condemned to “ungovernability” and immobility. But “change”, he said, “will accelerate in the elections”. […] vote with the unity we lacked on July 23, 2023, in an appeal to the electorate of Vox.

“They think they are governing for idiots, but we are not idiots,” he said about the PSOE’s position of “censoring those who do not agree with it.” In addition, he requested a meeting with the CEOE, Cepyme and the unions (at least the UGT and CCOO) to negotiate his conciliation law.

Feijóo wants to say it “with its criteria and its involvement” for their “alternative” program to the government. In other words, agree on the rule with them as much as possible. “We are going to make money every day, in the face of a government whose decline is accelerating and getting lower and lower,” he said.




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