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“Expectations are not very good”

The president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón, assured that it would be normal to demonstrate against the single financing agreed by the PSC and the ERC for Catalonia, because his community is “the least funded in Spain”while affirming that regarding the meeting scheduled for next week with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, his expectations “are not very good.”

This was stated by the Valencian president in statements to journalists before participating in the National Executive Committee organized by the PP this Monday.

When asked if he thought it was worth demonstrating in the streets for the fiscal pact for Catalonia, as was the case against the amnesty law, Mazón indicated that for him it is something “usual”, because the community he leads is “the least well-funded in Spain for too many years” and “they have taken people to the streets on several occasions”.

“Dude, if we have unjustly forgiven some, we have made it clear in any forum, even in the streetthe injustice that this means, imagine when it comes to health rights, because the funding is basically public health, social services and public education of more than five million, almost five and a half million Spaniards who live in the Valencian Community,” he said. stressed.

According to Mazón, the Valencian Community will go “as far as necessary” to prevent solidarity between territories from being undermined. “Those who spoke of solidarity are now those who decide that whoever has the most gives the least to everyone. It is the first time I have seen it in the history of Spain, of the socialists and even of the liberals. I thought there was a general consensus on this point, until the Catalan PSOE and the Valencian PSOE arrived in force, of course,” he criticized.

He criticizes Illa for dictating to others how to govern.

Regarding the meeting he will hold with Sánchez on October 4 at the Moncloa Palace, Mazón said that “expectations are not very good”, given “the trajectory of the government in recent years with the Valencian Community”.

“It is not that it is not at all flattering, but also that the situation of extraordinary injustice is not realized and is maintained,” he insisted, to mention Albufera water and the Tajo-Segura transfer sectionor the “more than 3 billion” owed by the agency.

In any case, Mazón said he would attend the meeting with “the greatest institutional respect” and defended that “each person must exercise their autonomy accordingly.”

In this way, he differentiated himself from the president of the Generalitat, the socialist Salvador Illa, whom he criticized for “not only wanting the maximum against others in his autonomous government, but now starting to say what others should do, what “This is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.”

“He has the most expensive government in the history of Catalonia, with more councilors than Catalonia, with more embassies than ever,” he stressed, to criticize Illa for asking the communities not to lower taxes to have more money, while the Valencian Community “suffered a fiscal hell” under the previous Botànic government.

Insufficient resources for immigration

Regarding immigration, Mazón maintained that the number of immigrant minors he will be able to accommodate will depend on the resources he has, and “they are rare.”

“It’s about consolidating a lack of government resources. To me, it is inhumane because they accuse us of being inhumane when our centers are above 160%. We have already passed that test. It is the government that has not passed the test of humanity when it comes to having sufficient resources to treat with dignity those who are already here,” he complained.

Mazón described the central government’s strategy as a “Sadducean trap.” “Because they accuse us of having minors in overcrowded conditions and in situations of collapse, and they say that we are treating badly those who are already here, but at the same time they treat us as inhumane and say that we are collapsed and that we need resources to be able to take care of other people who could come,” he added.

The Valencian president stated, in this sense, that the only one who ensures that the immigration problem is resolved is the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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