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“expert” and writer on alternative medicine

Odd. Weird. Hermetic. These are some of the adjectives that the inhabitants of Villalbilla describe Cesar Suarezresident of this small and quiet Madrid town of just over 13,000 inhabitants. None of them imagined that he and his partner, Rachelthey would become the topic of conversation of the Romero Avenue during a macabre event: the past August 31 She “disappeared” after going to visit her family in Guimpe. Her own husband alerted the authorities and reported her absence. Ten days later, she was found dead. a cellar without windows at home, foaming at the mouth and surrounded by blisters tabletsand Cesar, the main suspect, was arrested and sent to pretrial detention without bail.

Suarez is being investigated for allegedly committing a crime of homicideBut the accused denied before the judge that he had killed his wife. In fact, the body of Raquel, 54, showed no signs of violence when, last Sunday, the authorities broke into her house – by court order – in the urbanization. The oak grove. The preliminary autopsy report also found no outward signs of violence. Suarez is additionally charged with a possible crime of incitement to suicideand the authorities are waiting for the toxicological analysis of the body.

“We can’t believe it. What a bad body! We saw them walking together in the streets. He always carried a plastic bag in his hand and some kind of prayer beads, but as a Buddhist. When he walked, he always went whisperingas if it were pray“, he assures Nativityneighbor of Villalbillaone of the few people to have crossed paths with Cease And Rachel when they, not very inclined to socialize, went out for a walk in the morning. “She seemed normal to me, she greeted and smiled, but she didn’t talk too much; her treatment was just hello and goodbye,” says the same person. “Sometimes they would leave the door of their house open and I would look for them to warn them, but beyond that, they didn’t interact much.”

“She was very dull, she had a sad face. She spoke as if she were shy,” explain Angelines and Santiago, neighbors of the couple, also in shock after experiencing the event. Raquel’s strange attitude could answer her history of mental problems. Sources close to the investigation said she had already made two suicide attempts. When Cesar Suarez reported her missing, he alerted authorities that she had been admitted in May after gorging on at least 60 pills.

Other residents of the neighborhood consulted by SPANISH They say that they both lived “isolated from the rest of the neighbors” and that “when they went out for a walk, he would carry in his hand something that looked like a rosary, turn it over with his finger and pray out loud. In the house, you could hear them banging, with bowls and saucers. They were truly devout.

Civil Guard video of the arrest and the cell.


Neither Cesar, 60, nor Raquel, 54, were in the system VioGen. They had no children together and he had already been married to another couple in the past. Both had bought their rich house in Villalbilla shortly before the pandemic.

Your Spiritual Journey

“He always had a serious face, as if he didn’t want to talk. It was very strange,” say the sources consulted by this newspaper, who also report that “he had an intellectual atmosphere” and that it seemed that he had published a book. In fact, in his LinkedIn profile, in addition to being a warehouse manager at the Hot Depot chain, he appears as the author of works in the Amethyst Editorial.

Under the pseudonym Ramaathis-Mamtests signed as Dialogues with time, The Magical Language of Life either Extraterrestrial Revelations. In his professional profile, César Suárez also claims to be an expert in alternative therapiessince he completed a Master in Natural Medicine at the Open University of Advanced Sciences in Miami, USA, where he also completed a Master’s degree in Pedagogy.

Ramaathis-Mam’s personal portal.


Some of the books signed by Ramaathis-Mam.

Amethyst Editorial.


His biography in Amatista gives a good account of the profound spiritual dimension of César Suárez. “Born in Myers. When I was 10, I was so depressed about my bad grades that I seriously thought about it. suicide; SO, beings appeared to him and they told him that he should not be depressed by his grades, because these teachings were not important for the development of the soul and that he had to fulfill a mission for the development of humanity.

“At the age of 27, the same beings appeared to him again, telling him that I should go to India for your spiritual development; This shocked him so much that he decided to make a radical change in his life, leaving for this country and spend 11 years in a temple under the training of a spiritual master who said he was waiting for his arrival.”

Screenshot of the web portal associated with Ramaathis-Mam.


Open your personal web page, Atlantis Angelisinactive since August 9, 2024is to immerse yourself in a parallel universe. “This is a portal allowing the Voice of the Universe to enter your heart and awaken the divine breath which is waiting to be activated. For this purpose, the Hierarchy has prepared Ramaathis-Mam, a multiple channel, to transmit periodic communications, books, music, meditations, transgeometric art, seminars…”, reads the welcoming statement. “Pass through this portal and receive from it vibrational codes that you need most right now.” As his blog indicates, Ramaathis-Mam has for a time encouraged private spiritual sessions at his home.

Sources close to the investigation confirm that the identity of César Suárez matches that of Ramaathis-Mam and that he and his wife were parishioners of the Hare Krishnathe famous religious entity of Hindu origin whose largest community is located in BrihuegaGuadalajara. Although they were not directly associated with them, they had been frequenting the center of the movement for two years. Madrid “even though they had been separated for several months.”

The pseudonym with which Suárez signs the books – some of which have several editions and are translated into languages ​​such as Polish – is the one given to him by his spiritual guide: Ramaathis Mam. He and his wife were parishioners of Hare Krishnathe famous religious entity of Hindu origin whose largest community is located in BrihuegaGuadalajara. However, sources close to the group say that Ramaathis Mam “is not his spiritual name” and that they do not know what it means either.

A strange disappearance

It was on August 31st that César Suárez filed a complaint for the disappearance of his wife, Raquel, at the Civil Guard barracks. As she explained, she had left Villalbilla to visit his mother, who lives in Guimpeabout 75 kilometers from the city, but did not return as expected.

The Civil Guard processed the disappearance report, sent it to the Ministry of the Interior and this, in turn, Missing SOSwhich raised the alarm. After more than a week of investigation, the police authorities opened an investigation and requested a court order to search the marital home, located at number 15 of Avenida del Romero, in the El Robledal urbanization, Villalbilla.

Upon entering the house, they discovered the terrible scene: Raquel was dead in a windowless room, lying on the bed and foaming at the mouth. There were also blister packs of pills next to it. Cesar, who was not at home at the time, was arrested a few hours later. “The Civil Guard defined the room in which she lived as a dungeon. Apparently, she I was very scared and he couldn’t stand the noise at bedtime, that’s why he slept there,” said another neighbor.




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