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Exteriors maintain the evacuation of Spanish citizens in Lebanon after the bombardment in the center of Beirut

The possible Iranian response to the attack by the Israeli Air Force that was dispatched to the Hizbul militia and was able to lead, Hasán Nasralá, there were bombs against multiple positions of the huts in Yemen, another group armed and financed by the ayatolás, increased the testimonies of a total war in the Orient Próximo. The Spanish Gobierno has a list of the evacuation plan of the alrededor of a thousand Spanish people that are permanent in Lebanon, aunque aún ha activado el dispositivo ni ha puesto fecha has been possible puesta en marche, a la espera de comprobar cómo se dearrollan los acontecimientos en the next days.

The situation in Lebanon is extremely volatile and may change depending on the time of day, because the Ministerio de Exteriores has prepared the plan for the evacuation of Spanish cities, the majority of them with double nationality, so it is necessary to act quickly. From here, an Israeli bombardment in the madrugada of this moon took place in the center of Beirut for decades. “The situation is extremely serious in these moments in Lebanon. In the last hours, bombs were produced in the center of Beirut, the capital of a sober state”, which was reported by the Minister of External Affairs, José Manuel Albares, in an interview with Catalunya Radio.

The owner of the Exteriors confirmed the pasada week that his department has “list and prepared” this evacuation plan has to be activated definitively, so he keeps to the hope and avoids carrying the majority of the details when unfolded or the planned trips “for reasons of safety “. Albares ha recorded that neither Spain nor any country of the world has been activated your device and that, at this moment, you are using commercial media to leave the country. In fact, in detail, the Middle East Airlines airline carries out weekly flights in Madrid and “there is the possibility of flying by boat to Cyprus, Turkey or Greece”.

Therefore, the Ministry of Exteriors has established itself in Spanish cities in Lebanon that immediately abandons the country as it is possible for commercial routes to exist and that it can be planned to travel within the next few days, having “totally” abandoned its entry into the country. bad circumstances”. “At these times, when we saw that the capital property was bombarded, This advice has to do with the most important things“, ha happened to the jefe of Spanish diplomacy.

At the restaurant of Spanish people in the country, they have been translated that are dependent on the social regulations of the embajada and that are reviewed on their electronic correos. In the last few weeks, Spanish authorities in Lebanon have requested a link to all their citizens to confirm their direction, telephone number and other personal data, with the object of their location at all times. “This is a new exterior policy that we apply for three years where we claim that the Spanish are protected under any circumstances. Lo hicimos en Afghanistan and Ukraine in very dramatic circumstances. In Nigeria, in South Sudan, in Tel Aviv, in Gaza… And Lebanon will not be an exception,” Albares guaranteed.

Preguntado por la relation del Gobierno Español con el Ejecutivo Israeli de Benjamin Netanyahu, el titular de Exteriores ha asegurado que the relationship is “fluid”where “no quita” that the Gobierno of Pedro Sánchez “diga las cosas como deben de ser”. “España defends the international derecho, which is vinculante for all, also for Israel”, insisted Albares, minetras that he criticized that Israel “desafía” the international derecho and the international humanitarian derecho and does not discriminate in addition to attacks between the “activists” of Hizbolá y los Civiles. “There is already a regional escalation that we do not know will end,” it is announced, pointing out that the actor “destructs” the militias of Lebanon and Yemen: Iran.

“Europe and Spain want to lead the position of peace and respect the international humanitarian law. The countries of the Arab world we recognize, that Spain, as our translation, saves the dignity of Europe with its position; defending this final line that everything between peace and total war”, Albares signaled the relationship between Spain and the countries of the Middle East, to which he noted “frustrados”. “Embrace a frustration in the Arab world “Before this is unpunished, the violence extends and does not cause any harm,” he alerted.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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