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HomeTop StoriesExtremadura allocates almost 316 million euros to the new self-employment program

Extremadura allocates almost 316 million euros to the new self-employment program

The new Stimulation program for the creation and consolidation of self-employment in Extremadura aims to support the self-employed on a daily basis from their creation until their retirement, with funding for the period 2024/2027 of almost 316 million euros.

The signing took place this Monday, September 16, in the morning by the President of the Regional Government of Extremadura, María Guardiola; the President of ATA Extremadura, Candelaria Carrera; the President of OPAEX, Fernando Salvador Díaz, and the representative of CEAT Badajoz, Javier Dorado. The National President of ATA, Lorenzo Amor, was also present at the event.

Precisely, Amor stressed that In 2024, the decline in the number of self-employed workers in Extremadura was “reversed”because this past August had “the best figure in the last 5 years”, but he went further, and analyzing the situation from one year to the next, he points out that in August 2024 there are 97 more self-employed workers than in 2023, and there are 600 more than in August 2022. An increase that has been possible “thanks to the dialogue and measures of this plan” agreed with the independent organizations.

From this plan, he stressed that it is about “innovative and ambitious“, to which he said “nothing is missing” because “it helps those who are starting, consolidation and those who are going to leave” with aid for the second chance and generational change. From there, he stressed that not only the first year is helped, but also the third, and is committed to conciliation and administrative simplification, as well as training, digitalization and the fight against the underground economy.

For her part, the president of the regional government of Extremadura, María Guardiola, stressed that the main objective is “promote, maintain and consolidate self-employment in all corners of Extremadura”, because by promoting self-employment, it favors “the economic and social growth” of cities and regions. “The more support and fewer bureaucratic obstacles, the better our economy will work”, and with this public services will be strengthened and the product fabric will increase.

Guardiola stressed the measures envisaged in this plan that will be “open” and that could include others, all aimed at “stimulating new commercial and entrepreneurial initiatives, with a commitment to equal opportunities between men and women and supporting established companies”, since among other measures the hiring of expert professional services, facilities for access to financing or training and training programs are envisaged.

In short, as Guardiola said, with these measures they are trying to “injecting entrepreneurial culture“which is so necessary in Extremadura.

Evaluation of self-employed workers’ organizations

For his part, the president of CEATJavier Dorado, thanked the work and involvement of all the agents so that this plan could see the light of day, especially the program that he described as “vast” and highlights the strategic objective of “promoting and maintaining self-employment in our territory.”

The President of OPAEXFernando Segador, stressed that it is a “very ambitious and very necessary” program, being an “important stimulant” for the group.

Segador focused on several axes, training that must be effective and on micropills; small industrialization of municipalities, for the transformation and marketing of products; and generational change.

On this point, he said that “in the next 10 years there will be 20,000 companies that will be in a situation of closure, they are viable, companies that make money and close because they have no respite”, which is why he asked for a special effort of dissemination, information and assistance to the self-employed who wish to leave their company due to illness, retirement or death so that their family can take care of it and pass it on.

For her part, the president of ATA ExtremaduraCandelaria Carrera, highlighted the effort made to bring this project to light, to assert the rights of independent workers and to support their businesses.

For Carrera, this plan has a clear objective “to include self-employed workers in all Council policies”, supporting consolidation and competitiveness, as well as conciliation and a gender perspective.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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