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Fasting in peace

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Here, everything seems designed for relaxation. Some enjoy the sauna, others a massage session before going to a yoga class or sitting down to contemplate the foothills of the Vercors through the bay window. In this vast Drôme house converted into an old farm, the fifteen or so Clairière & Canopée (C&C) guests present on this rainy May weekend try to face their common adversary as comfortably as possible: hunger.

Guillaume Charron, 39, who heads this company that offers fasting stays, is trying to spare his clients what he suffered during his first experience. It was in 2007 and he still remembers it, painfully. Aged 22, he has just finished his tourism studies in Toulouse and feels the need to “live an initiatory experience”. With a friend, they opt for fasting, “out of curiosity”. They decide to deprive themselves of food for a week.

“But we did everything we shouldn’t have done!” He and his friend decided to do it in their house, where they lived with five roommates, who were rather good-natured, and right in the city center, “where there were many temptations”. While it was recommended to have a light physical activity, “so that the body continued to produce energy”, the two men spent their days “doing nothing”. “It was really difficult, all we thought about was eating”, he recalls. But the two companions held on.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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