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HomeLatest NewsFear in Las Moreras due to a spectacular fire in a house

Fear in Las Moreras due to a spectacular fire in a house


Flames came out of the windows and four people had to be treated for smoke inhalation and minor injuries.

Flames in one of the windows of the house that burned in the Patio Gabriel Celaya ABC

A spectacular fire was declared at midnight in a house in Gabriel Celaya Courtyard in Cordobain the district of Mulberry trees, and where several fire brigade teams and two police patrols are currently located. local police trying to put out the flames. Neighbors in the neighborhood raised the alarm when they saw flames coming out of two windows. According to police sources, the fire is currently under control.

The causes of the accident are currently unknown. There is no reason to regret the injuries, even if a father and a 4 year old son were treated for smoke inhalation, as well as a neighbor of the building where the event occurred, more precisely on the third floor.

Also a fireman had to be taken care of by a cut off a hand when he was acting on the property. The concern caused concern among the residents of this property, although little by little the situation has been reoriented.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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